Tuesday, June 27, 2006


June 25, 2006

CHARACTER: Robert the Bruce
Two thousand years ago God started a revolt against the religion He started. So don’t ever put it past God to cause a groundswell movement against churches & Christian institutions that bear His name. If He was willing to turn Judaism upside down, don’t think for a moment our institutions are safe from a divine revolt.

Violent Engagement
 There is a barbarian revolt taking place, and its command center is the kingdom of God. Everywhere the kingdom of God advances, there is a violent engagement against a dark kingdom. To be born of God is to be made a citizen in the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of God is at war. Do not confuse this kingdom with paradise. Salvation is not reentry into a Paradise Lost; it is enlistment in the mission of God.
 Engage it within the church
 The sellers of goods had made access to God a business. They had made forgiveness something you could purchase. They had made the guilt and shame of others the marketplace for their profit. They had made the house of God into a den of robbers & thieves. They had become so good at religion that they had no need for God. They were so full of themselves that they had no room for God. When it came down to it, they loved their religion far more than they longed to know the God who created them. They treasured the civilization built around their religion and despised the Barbarian Faith from which it was born. They would rather have the temple than the Presence of God.
 When our faith is refined, we are no longer dangerous to the darkness.
 Engage it within the community
 The driving purpose of this Barbarian Revolt is to liberate every person who longs to find freedom in God.
 Robert the Bruce vs. His Father "Compromise vs. Charging forth with Passion."
 Too often we say, “Good needs to be done, but someone else will take care of it.” The Barbarian Revolt tolerates no such abdication of responsibility. Every citizen of the kingdom of God is brought into the heat of the conflict between good and evil. Everyone who swears allegiance to Jesus bears responsibility for humanity.
 When you enter the kingdom of God, there is no safe zone or waiting room. There really isn’t even a boot camp. It’s on-the-job, on-the-field training.
 2Corinthians 10:3-5

Love Untamed
 Barbarians measure only heart and action.
 Untamed for God
 No one has loved more deeply than God. Has anyone ever been more betrayed? God would not know suffering if He did not know love. But because He is Love, He chose to suffer on our behalf. Without love there is no glory in suffering.
 Robert the Bruce: "I Don't Want to Lose Heart!" 2Samuel 6:21-22
 2 Chronicles 16:9 God sees our hearts and looks for those in whom there is nothing false. The barbarian hides nothing before God. The revolt is led by those who are not ashamed.
 Untamed for People
 The most insulting thing that Jesus said or did was to become the friend of sinners. (Luke 5:27-32)
 Passionate heart for the world.
 The civilized Christian does what is right out of fear; the barbarian does what is right out of love. The Christian civilization is held together by rules and rituals, the Barbarian Revolt is fueled by the passion of God and guided by the mission of God.
 If you choose to live your life in this way, if you make the insane decision to live your life for the sake of others, if you choose to follow the One whose barbarian call led Him to the brutality of the Cross, and if you embrace His invitation to take up your own cross and follow Him, then it has begun. If you dare allow God to unlock your spirit, He will unleash the raw and untamed faith within. Then you will know you have chosen the barbarian way out of civilization.

 Unite us… Robert the Bruce: Although the force of one person fully committed to God is tremendous, it pales in comparison to the force of God’s people moving together.
 BEES swarms, ANTS colonies. WHALES pods. FISH schools. CATTLE herds. BIRDS flocks. LIONS pride. CROWS murders. TIGERS ambush. BUZZARDS committee. FLAMINGOS flamboyants. OWLS parliaments.
 “Crashing Rhinos.”
 We don’t have to pretend we know the future. Who cares that we can see only 30 feet ahead? Whatever’s at 31 feet needs to care that we’re coming and better get out of the way!


Anonymous said...

"The civilized Christian does what is right out of fear; the barbarian does what is right out of love..(see Adam's post for full quote)..If you dare allow God to unlock your spirit, He will unleash the raw and untamed faith within. Then you will know you have chosen the barbarian way out of civilization." This is going on my fridge and on my cube wall. I pray God reminds His Church of it every day.

Anonymous said...

yahoo for constant reminders...
Ryan and Kelly said they want their own copy of the book so that they can read it every couple of months for a kick in the butt.
We've got 2 OC copies being passed around among the community right now for those interested.