Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Small Group Sunday - September 11, 2011


More Love and More Power in Your Small Group!

·      Pretend to be filling out my connect card as the video stops & then, say jokingly, of course, the following…
·      `Oh “hi,” I was just realizing that this is the best chance I have to sign up for a group for this Fall Semester. Even though I’m already in a group, I want to make sure that I get my name in so that my group doesn’t fill up!’
·      All kidding aside though friends, maybe for the first time ever, we are giving you permission today to doodle during the message.
·      If you have not signed up yet for a small group, take out the Menu, grab a pen and your Connect Card.
·      And, while I’m talking, feel free to browse through the groups and find the one that best suits you!
·      And, if you are already a part of a group, (even if it’s been for 10+ years!) we don’t need your contact info… just your name at the top and your group name in the box at the bottom of the CCard.


I love my weekends. My day off is Friday and I get to spend those mornings with at least some of my kids. Then, on Friday nights we get to do some family stuff. Saturday mornings are another great part of our weeks. We spend time doing stuff outside, working in the yard or swimming. This is, also, a great chance for us to go to breakfast together as a family (or daddy makes a donut run J). I love my weekends. And, most weeks I would say that those days are the highlight of our family time together.

…but it’s not always the best time. Not long ago, a Wednesday night was the best family time of the week. After school and work, we jumped into kids’ pool for an hour, mom made us “breakfast for dinner” (always a big hit), then the kids got their PJ’s on, grabbed their blankets and curled up with mom & dad to watch Tangled. It was totally the best family night of the week… and it wasn’t even the weekend.

Why do I tell you all of this?

Well, we have been striving to “live out” the teachings of More Love & More Power throughout this series. And hopefully, our (Saturday) Sunday meetings have been one of the best days of your entire week. Hopefully, during these times you have been freed to worship God and hear his voice as you follow the call on your life & on our church during this season. Maybe, you’ve even taken the Sunday challenges and gone out to love your city through practical and spiritual exercises. Also, we are praying that More Vision has been stirred in your hearts & dreams.

But, we don’t want you to miss this: 
We continually want to see more love & power come outside of the Sunday meeting!

Just as my weekends are the best times with my family, I still want to spend time with them throughout the rest of the week!

So with us, as we see God moving powerfully among us on the weekend worship services, so we want to see him move powerfully with us throughout the week.

Let’s take a look at what the apostles & the early church did after the day of Pentecost (the day when the Holy Spirit first visited them in power & 3,000 new believers joined the family).

Acts 2:42-47 (The Message)
“They committed themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the life together, the common meal, and the prayers. Everyone around was in awe—all those wonders and signs done through the apostles! And all the believers lived in a wonderful harmony, holding everything in common. They sold whatever they owned and pooled their resources so that each person's need was met. They followed a daily discipline of worship in the Temple followed by meals at home, every meal a celebration, exuberant and joyful, as they praised God. People in general liked what they saw. Every day their number grew as God added those who were saved.”

Wow, that sounds pretty good doesn’t it! Do you here how their lives were completely turned upside down by the power of the Spirit. It doesn’t say that they went back to their old lives does it? Now, I’m pretty sure they went back to work their jobs, but their extra curricular really changes. And, I think there are some really strong applications for us of how we can see More Love & Power happen outside the Sunday meeting, especially in our groups…

How does MLMP happen in your small group?
(1) Devotion to the apostle’s teachings
a.     not just knowing Bible but living it out
b.     We desperately want you to study your Scriptures (reminder of how we started our year with “Eat & Pray God’s Word”) and we strive to be a church that is “Biblically Thoughtful,” but…
c.      …the Scriptures (& in fact Christianity) are not something personal but are meant to be lived out in community.
d.     There are over 40 different “one another’s” in the apostle’s teachings of the new testament: love, encourage, spur to good deeds, confess your sins, be kind, offer hospitality, be patient, accept and on & on!
e.     Romans 12:10 “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.”

(2) Devotion to each other à fellowship… devotion to “doing life” together
a.     Do you see what happens when we devote ourselves to the apostles’ teachings? It releases in us devotion to the thing that God loves more than anything else… us/people!
b.     We are free to begin pursuit of each other. We begin to devote ourselves to “doing life” together.
c.      It always amazes me that we sometimes miss this as followers of Jesus. The most powerful day in the church was when it started on the day of Pentecost and that led to people caring more for each other than they did about themselves.
d.     Which leads to my favorite thing ever in scripture J… they began to desire time with each other.

(3) Devotion to eating together à common meal, communion, cookouts
a.     Explain the “love feast.”
b.     Explain how we can live this out in communion with Jesus and with each other every chance we get… do realize that Heaven is described as the “wedding feast”?
c.      When we eat together in true fellowship & remembering the sacrifice Jesus made for us, we are practicing for eternity.
d.     Which leads us to celebrate and invite more of Jesus into our groups!

(4) Devotion to prayer à worship & ministry
a.     When we study scripture & apply it to our local community, we begin to want more of God’s Kingdom alive in our groups.
b.     We begin to worship the Risen King.
c.      We begin to invite the power of the Holy Spirit into our groups, so that our lives & the lives of our friends will be changed!

When we devote ourselves to these things…
(1) The Holy Spirit moves powerfully among us in signs and wonders.
a.     Cannot be afraid of this.
b.     1 Corinthians 14:22-25
c.      Our goal is to change lives & the Spirit alone can do it.

(2) The Holy Spirit moves us to great generosity and service.
a.     Good section of the message to recognize all your leaders.
b.     Also, a good place to mention Outreach Options Menu for your groups.

(3) The Holy Spirit moves us to both corporate & intimate worship.
a.     Most not surprised by the corporate worship.
b.     But the thing is that when we’re devoted to the stuff of the Kingdom & we desire to see the Holy Spirit move…
c.      Then, we will never miss an opportunity to spend time in the presence of the King!

(4) The Holy Spirit moves others to join the family!
a.     I love that this text says that “daily” people were getting saved. Not just at the Sunday meeting, but daily!
b.     That means we have to meet more than Sundays doesn’t it J.
c.      McIntyre and Wheet’s story (PICTURES PLEASE).
A year ago, I felt like God was leading me to take the How to Lead a High Impact Small Group.  I had a big desire to be used as a small group leader but honestly had no idea where to begin.  I struggled with a huge fear of failure& with leading a group, the fears were definitely there.  Ironically, at the training, another person got a word for me, “harvest.”  “Exciting,” I thought? I figured I would take the risk but wouldn’t be surprised if no one ever showed up.

Around that same time, my wife (Bri) and I met Jeff and Sandy Welter.  God started knitting our hearts to the Welter’s hearts right away. Then, one Sunday afternoon, Bri took the risk every member of the Vineyard is asked to take and asked Sandy if we could pray for her right then and there.  Sandy agreed, and Bri and I were able to bless Sandy in the name of Jesus. 

The Welter’s started attending the Vineyard, & birthed a new and growing relationship with Jesus.  Through our friendship with the Welters, we were introduced to Butch and Chrissy Wheet. God was weaving together a beautiful story, working behind the scenes, while we were all oblivious. We got together for a cookout or just to hang out, and Jesus was moving the entire time.

One day Butch told me he noticed something positive about my life, and he wanted it! Bri and I started getting together with the Wheets, and they started opening up their lives to Jesus and the love He had for them.  I still remember how full of questions Butch was. He was seeking God, but I don’t think he was prepared for the no strings attached love and grace of Jesus.  We asked Butch if we could pray for him; Butch gave us permission so we invited the presence of God to visit Butch.  We blessed Butch and his family and asked God to begin His work of restoration, to heal the hurts from the past, and to reveal to them the great love the Father had for them. 

The next morning the enemy attacked by sending Butch to the ER with unexplained pains in his abdomen.  I remember Hap instructing us that when the enemy attacks, we counter-attack in prayer. So, that’s what we did. Jesus was pursuing Butch and the full force of the powers of Hell didn’t stand a chance against the furious love Jesus had for Butch.  Little did we know, Chrissy (wife) was already working behind the scenes trusting in the power of Jesus.  She was praying for Butch and shortly later the pain evaporated.

Later, the Wheets visited church.  During, their second visit, God came like a flood. I remember feeling very uncomfortable in worship because I was so worried about what Butch was thinking.  God whispered, “Don’t worry about Butch, I’m going to meet with him.  Now I want to meet with you.” Suddenly there was peace, I was free to worship, and I enjoyed God’s presence.

Later that same day, Butch and Chrissy asked us over to their house.  I noticed Butch seemed different, but I wasn’t sure why.  As we sat in the living room visiting, Butch looked me in the eye & asked me if I was praying for him during the service earlier that day.  “Busted,” I thought, “Did I just offend my friend?”  I answered Butch that I had been praying for him that God would bless him and meet with him.  Butch looked at me and as tears started welling up in his eyes said, “Well, He came to me, and I let Him in.” Praise Jesus!  Butch then went on to describe the peace he felt as the Spirit of God came into his life. 

From there, Butch and Chrissy started sprinting to Jesus.  They couldn’t get enough of Him.  A few weeks later Butch’s sister Aimee had moved to town and started at the Vineyard.  She now is pursuing Jesus and is on the journey of her life.  Bri and I asked if they would like to start a small group with us and the Welters.  Then, Bri invited another couple that has a daughter the same age as ours. A few weeks later we met together in our home & another couple joined us.  God filled our home with new friends from relationships that he orchestrated and filled our home with His presence as we met together.  Since then, we have been learning and growing together how much God desires to be in intimate relationship with us.  Also, we’re learning our identity through the mind-blowing work of Christ.  Lately God has put several of our other friends and neighbors in Mahomet on our hearts so we’ve been praying for them.  Praise Jesus for His great love; the harvest has just begun!

Well, if that story doesn’t get you excited about more love & power coming outside the Sunday meeting, then nothing will J

We want everyone to join a group in this church. In fact, we want to see more people in groups than come on Sundays. We believe that the key to us having an amazing Urbana campus is the small group system!
Imagine the Love and Power that would move through our church as we committed ourselves to the same ideals that the early church did.
Imagine the freedom the Holy Spirit would have to use us to change our cities.

That’s why we have groups that include…
·      Middle school, high school & college students
·      Young adults, singles, married, family friendly & 50+ groups.
·      Special groups focused on addictions, grief, divorce, financial freedom, etc.
·      We have groups in Champaign, Urbana, Savoy, Philo, Tolono, Mahomet, St. Joseph and more (all our campuses were started this way!).
·      We have groups for people who want the basics of Christianity (Alpha).
·      We have groups called ENGAGE that are for people who have never been in a group and are nervous about going to a group for the first time.
·      We have leadership groups & training groups.
·      We have a group for YOU!
Don’t be overwhelmed. We don’t want you to choose everything, but we don’t want you to choose nothing. Pic one group… get plugged in… and see the Kingdom of God come as you devote yourself to More Love & More Power in your life!

Prayer & Introduce Offering
After worship, I’ll be back up for ministry time…

Introduce the words on the screens (remind people of pre-service prayer teams).
Specific words for this message:
·      Prayer for our small group leaders & coaches.
·      Prayer for those who are thinking about launching a group.
·      Those who are thinking about joining a group.
·      Any who want to see the Lord move more powerfully in their group.