Thursday, February 23, 2017

A Generous Life - February 19, 2017




·      Anyone ever have a nightmare that even today makes you a little nervous? I had a recurring nightmare in high school…
·      Couldn’t remember my locker combo… the really bad dreams were when I couldn’t remember the locker combo in the locker room…
·      The thing that scared me as a young man about this dream: if I didn’t get the combination just right, it ruined the rest of my day!
·      For many of us, the topic of $ brings up all kinds of feelings… in fact, several of us might even think that our finances are “my nightmare” right now – how to pay my bills… debts… investments… children…. For many MONEY = STRESS
·      For others of you, you came to services today and were like – I’ll be ok as long as they don’t talk about money.” In fact, the topic of $ is a major critique among many who are not a part of the church on a regular basis.
·      We believe that the word of God has the key to unlocking secrets on many things… faith, prayer, heaven… in our church, we also believe it unlocks the secrets of grace & righteousness, healing and the Kingdom…
·      why don’t we believe there’s a way to unlock the secrets to finances?  …seems a simpler thing to open than eternal life doesn’t it?

The world around us has a combination
·      “What’s in your wallet?”
·      0% balance transfers
·      increase your credit scores
·      refinance your loan with Quicken
·      E-Trade
·      Take control of your money

In this series, we’ve been unpacking the revelation that the Father has a combination
·      The principle of the firstfruits… specifically tithing (10%)
·      When we align the first 10% with God’s will, we release the other 90% to contain the Father’s Kingdom Blessings.
·      Just like the tumblers in a combination lock, Tithing (10%) starts the unlocking process to seeing God’s “rewards” on our lives.

·      We don’t see Father God as good.
·      We don’t see our paychecks as blessings from the Father.
·      We don’t trust the church.
·      We are searching for something more than contentment.
·      We’ve never gone “beyond the tithe.”
·      We haven’t realized that the entire Kingdom is Upside-down.

We’ve been looking at the character of our Father God in this series. If we want to live a generous life, we need to model our life after the plans of He who has been so generous to us. He is a good Father, who CREATED an order and a plan for all aspects of life including our wealth. He is a good Father, who REDEEMED us and set us free… in fact, He redeemed all of creation even our finances. Today, we want to see our Father as REWARDER. But…

To experience Father as REWARDER, we need to see Him as good.
·      We aren’t rewarded because we are good, we are rewarded because He is good. 
·      God is a good Father, who wants to be our Rewarder.
·      And because we’re in relationship with Him, we get the opportunity partner together, stewarding reward back into the kingdom.
·      “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? 11 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” (Matthew 7)
·      We are NOT talking about Ferraris here friends. What we’re talking about is being in relationship with a GOOD GOD who will supply our needs just because HE wants to love on his kids. Kingdom: Relational – not cause and affect!

To experience Father as REWARDER, we need to see every dollar as a blessing.
·      The Israelites in the wilderness – nomads… no regular income… slaves with nothing to trade at first… no land to work.
·      When they left Egypt, they were showered in undeserved wealth.
·      Manna from heaven… Quail… Water from a rock.
·      Every single day required faith & thanksgiving.
·      Even in this situation, the temptation for the Israelites is our temptation – to complain… to worry about the next day
·      Philippians 4:6 “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
·      Thanksgiving releases a Kingdom perspective on our resources.

To experience Father as REWARDER, we need to “let go” of our tithes.
·      As we’ve discussed for past 2 weekends, the firstfruits belong to God.
·      The grace of the tithe crosses every covenant (Abel, Noah, Abram, Moses, David, Jesus, & Paul)… like murder or stealing, it’s not a LAW, but rather it’s a LIFE-GIVING principle that aligns your heart with your Father and His Kingdom.
·      Alignment with God’s plan (10%)…releases other 90% for blessing
·      But there’s a trap some of us fall into… we give up the tithe PHYSICALLY, but we still hold onto it EMOTIONALLY… God loves a “cheerful” and “thankful” heart…
Sometimes we are looking for the blessing and NOT the relationship.
·      Kingdom: Rejoice in this grace of giving (2Cor 9).

To experience Father as REWARDER, we need to learn the “secret” of contentment.
·      Not to step on any toes here today, but the “pursuit of happiness” is an American ideal… it is NOT a kingdom principle.
·      The apostle Paul seems to think that no matter what’s going on with our life’s circumstances, we can trust the Father and trust in His strength for our situation.
·      Philippians 4 11Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. 12 I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. 13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Did you realize this was about resources?
·      Key: understanding Father as rewarder comes from a heart surrendered to Him.
·      It means that we recognize God’s blessings, God’s strength, God’s provision despite the fact that we may not be taking Caribbean cruises and driving brand-new cars every year (or we may).
·      Contentment is a key for us… in fact, I’ve rarely seen it modeled better than in the lives of our Sr. Pastors à Same home for 40 years
o   What a lot of us miss is Patience in the process.
·      Kingdom Principle – pursuit (faith in) of God’s strength releases contentment.

To experience Father as REWARDER, we need to move beyond the tithe.
·      When we begin to see our Good Father providing our every need... when we let go of our 10%... when we become content in every situation… THEN, we can begin to move beyond the tithe.
·      We’ve talked about how the tithe (10% of gross income) unlocks a generous heart in us that allows the Spirit of God to move more freely on our other 90%.
·      When the Spirit of God lands on our 90%...
o   We tend to get excited about living debt free.
o   We tend to get excited about living generously.
o   We tend to get excited about giving.
o   We tend to get excited about telling others about giving.
o   We tend to get excited about offerings… gifts above the 10%
·      If we recognize all of our resources are from God… if we trust that we will be content no matter what… if we know that Holy Spirit is resting on our money… we will be ready to give above and beyond.
·      And when we do!?
·      We begin to experience the Kingdom in powerful ways…

Our good Father created an amazing financial plan for our resources… our savior Jesus redeemed every part of our lives including our resources… as we steward that plan, the Holy Spirit comes and speaks into how we can move beyond the tithe.

He nudges us to be generous… sometimes extravagantly… to bless others around us in powerful ways… in fact that’s the fun part…

That’s the part… the grace of giving on Robert Morris’ life… that we love about the book we’ve been recommending… Blessed Life pages 61-62
Ø  “I mentioned earlier that when Debbie and I got married, our combined gross income was $600 per month. That’s an annual income of $7,200.
Ø  “After a few months of tithing and giving extravagantly to the Lord, Debbie got a different job that paid $18,000 per year. About that same time, I began preaching and doing revivals. That first year, my income from offerings was $32,000. Thus together, our annual income went from $7,200 to $50,000.
Ø  “In our second year of marriage, as we continued to tithe and give whenever and wherever the Holy Spirit directed, Debbie quit her job in order to stay at home while my income increased to $72,000. Our income had now risen from $7,200 to $72,000 – a ten fold increase.
Ø  “Within three years, our income had risen to more than $100,000, and by God’ grace we were giving 70% of it away!”
Isn’t that incredible!?! The Lord blessed their faithfulness in tithing and giving, but they chose to live content with 30% of their blessing. Wow.

                                                                            Where do we go from here?
The entire Kingdom of God is upside down… it all requires faith…
·      Lose your life to find it
·      Serve to lead
·      Love and pray for your enemy
·      GIVE it away and it will be RETURNED to you.
·      Hebrews 11:6 without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.
If we pursue the stuff of the Father, he loves us and will supply all our needs. We seek His Kingdom and His righteousness and everything we need is added to us. And, we can see the parallels with our resources...
·      Righteousness = tithing (10%)
·      Kingdom = 90% - Holy Spirit what do you want me to do with my blessings?

Let me end with this…
1)    You DO NOT have to give anything to the church, your neighbor, or anywhere to receive any of the grace of God… (say it again) you DO NOT “have to” give!
2)    God will not love you more or less if you give or don’t… but this isn’t about God’s love for us… this is about our faith in him… for many, our finances are the last “Stronghold” that the enemy has on our faith.
3)    But there is this crazy truth “where your treasure is” there GOES your HEART.
4)    I’ve never seen someone’s heart grow quicker for the Kingdom than when they start tithing… or when they increase their gifts.
5)    To go back to our idea from the beginning… how much of your heart do you want to unlock today?
o   Start giving something
o   Start tithing (10% of your gross income)

o   Start to move beyond the tithe… partnering with Holy Spirit to release your Kingdom finances in powerful ways.