Monday, January 23, 2017

Unlocking the Bible - January 22, 2017

·      I was talking with a Father the other day that was having trouble connecting with his children. When they were younger, he remembered talking a lot to them. But as they “grew up,” they neglected having dinner together… they stopped just visiting with their dad… eventually, they stopped answering his phone calls and texts… he tried posting on their Facebook walls and even asked some of their friends to help him reconnect… he hasn’t given up hope, but they seem not to want to hear what he has to say.
·      Strangest part of all of this, when I reached out to the kids for the dad… their response was “I love my dad, he’s the best, don’t know what I’d do without him” …when I asked them how they were nurturing that relationship with him, they said they still saw him at the holidays, but their lives were pretty busy so the rest of the year was tough… and summer was nearly impossible with sports, vacations, and what nots.

Our heavenly Father…
·      Has done something amazing to reach out to us.
·      He’s inspired dozens of authors to write 66 books for us to understand Him.
·      He knows we all understand things differently, so He’s used story, poetry, prophecy, vivid imagery, personal and corporate letters, songs, historical accounts and more to show us His nature and His personality.
·      Beyond that, He’s filled us with His Spirit so that He can continually inspire us, instruct us, and interact with our hearts through His word.
·      His Word to us is Jesus… and He’s active, willing, and able to nurture our covenant relationship every moment that we want to.

In this series, we are attempting to UNLOCK the scriptures for each person in our campuses. We are attempting to do this through focusing on the SON Jesus... and we are using SON to reorient our focus on Him:
·      Story – having the right scope and arc to what God’s doing
·      Order – realizing that God has been progressively revealing Himself throughout history
·      NURTURE – regularly finding times & ways to grow your relationship with the SON.

The problem…
Ø  Like the family I mentioned earlier, we can’t have a one-sided relationship.
Ø  We can’t expect communication to work well without a little effort.
Ø  We cannot underestimate the importance of time in a relationship.

The good news…
·      Much like reuniting with an old friend, roommate, or college buddy… The Father will always say YES to a reunion & will be excited to see you no matter the time-distance.
·      The Father hasn’t stopped speaking, inspiring & loving no matter what we’ve done.

I think that most of us who are Christians would say that we “want to NURTURE our relationship with Jesus” …I think even most who aren’t believers would say that they “would want to know God” on some level… I even believe that most people would say that they want to understand the Bible even if they don’t believe everything in it…

One of my favorite stories on someone discovering the Bible is found in a cleverly written book called “Blue Like Jazz.” In it, Don tells the story of how his friend (Penny) began to read the Bible with her roommate (Nadine). Listen to this excerpt from the book: Read highlights on 46-47

Penny discovered the truth of Hebrews 1 “Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.

She discovered that the Father wants to NURTURE a relationship with us… no matter where we are at… and He wants to speak to us… not just have us talk to Him.

But to jumpstart the relationship, we need a lens: JESUS is the “key” to unlock the Bible for us.
v I love movies with a twist or 2 at the end of the movie. Have you ever watch one and then said, man do I need to go back and watch that again because your perspective of the entire story and order of the story shifts?!
v Jesus is the ultimate twist to the end of the story… not only does He UNLOCK all of the ideas and plans and purposes behind the entire Scripture, BUT he helps us reinterpret everything we’ve seen AND he is still helping us grow in our understanding of that which the Father has been trying to share with us.
v One of the things that I love about the book of Hebrews is that the author was revealing to us so much of what Jesus fulfilled, accomplished, and is still doing in light of our Scriptures:
o   Hebrews shows Jesus as God’s WORD of power
o   That He’s a better word than the angels
o   That He’s a better word than Moses
o   Than Joshua
o   Than Aaron
o   It shows Him as God’s WORD of righteousness
o   That He’s a better promise
o   A better priest
o   A better covenant
o   A better tabernacle
o   A better sacrifice
o   It shows Him as our WORD of faith
o   Providing a better reward
o   Providing a better Kingdom
o   Providing a better way to live

v If we want to nurture relationship with the Father, we must see Jesus in every book of our Bibles... after all, its about relationship with Him NOT just study/knowledge of Scripture.
v There are many lists out there. First probably made famous by an Oral Roberts and later done in songs & services. But if Jesus is the key, we must begin to see Him in every part.

       He is the hidden treasure
       The pearl of great price
       Our living bread
       Our advocate
       Our shepherd
       The Lamb of God
       The Great physician
       Closer than a brother
       The lily of the valley
       The rose of Sharon
       The sure foundation
       The Cornerstone
       The fountain
       The way, the truth and the life
       The door
       The true vine
       The morning star
       The faithful witness
       The savior of the world
       In Genesis – the seed
       In Exodus – the Passover lamb
       Numbers – star of Jacob
       Deuteronomy – great rock
       Joshua – captain of the Lord
       Judges – sword of Gideon
       Ruth – kinsman redeemer
       Samuel – the coming King
       Kings – the Lord God of Israel
       Chronicles – the God of our fathers
       Ezra – lord of heaven and earth
       Nehemiah – the rebuilder
       Esther – God of providence
       Job – every living redeemer
       Psalms – good shepherd & king of glory
       Proverbs – wisdom
       Ecclesiastes – only one
       Song of Solomon – lover of our souls
       Isaiah – wonderful, counselor, mighty God, everlasting Father, prince of peace
       Jeremiah – our righteousness
       Lamentations – compassionate God
       Ezekiel –son of man, the new covenant
       Daniel – fourth man in the fire
       Hosea – faithful husband
       Joel – God’s dwelling & the Holy Spirit
       Amos – plumbline & the resurrection
       Obadiah – deliverer
       Jonah – salvation
       Micah – lord of kings
       Nahum – stronghold
       Habakkuk – everlasting & joy
       Zephaniah – mighty lord
       Haggai – desire of all nations
       Zechariah – servant and the branch
       Malachi – son of righteousness
       Matthew – king of the Jews
       Mark – servant
       Luke – son of man
       John – eternal God
       Acts – Holy Spirit
       Romans – justification
       Corinthians – sanctification
       Galatians – righteousness
       Ephesians – head of all
       Philippians – supply
       Colossians – fullness
       Thessalonians – coming Christ
       Timothy – mediator
       Titus – great God & Savior
       Hebrews – heir, better, high priest, great intercessor, mediator and more
       James – great physician
       Peter – unblemished lamb
       John – advocate and propitiation
       Jude – beloved
       Revelation – king of kings and lord of lords, alpha and omega, lion of Judah, slain lamb, bright and morning star, the beginning and the end

v This should encourage us as Paul did with Timothy that…2T 3:16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
v If we look at the entirety of the story through the lens of Jesus, then we can begin to let HIM speak to us through his word... think again on the stories of the Ark/Passover/the prophets.

                                                                                              Where do we go from here?
Let me wrap up by encouraging you with these few ideas.
1)    NURTURING a good relationship is about desire.
o   Psalm 119
o   9 How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word.
o   10 With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments!
o   11 I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
o   12 Blessed are you, O Lord; teach me your statutes!
o   13 With my lips I declare all the rules of your mouth.
o   14 In the way of your testimonies I delight as much as in all riches.
o   15 I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.
o   16 I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.
o   You can hear David’s love for the Lord expressed in his passionate pursuit of his word… he was a shepherd and a warrior, not a scholar or a priest… but he was “after” the heart of God through his love of the Father’s voice.
2)    NURTURING a good relationship is about time.
o   Don’t make the pursuit of Jesus harder than it is.
o   We have a family of 7 (+ AL J) and for each of us the desire is not always “what we are doing” but the fact that we got to do it together – running to the store, taking time to take one on my coffee run (and getting them a milkshake), reading a book, making sure Corrie and I have non-kid time.
o   I guarantee that if you carve out time for the Father, Holy Spirit will make it worth your while… pull out your iCal/GoogleDOC right now – for this week, put a reminder or 2 in your phone (worship, small group, journaling, prayer, etc.).
o   Desire + Time tends to release all kinds of growth in a relationship.
3)    NURTURING a good relationship is about personality.
o   Find what works best for you… if you have desire & you make time, there is no right or wrong way to do this thing.
o   Like most relationships, there are daily, weekly & extended times of fellowship.
o   BREAKFAST – one verse, one-year-Bible, reading plan, repetitive book, journal
o   DATE NIGHT – worship, small group, mini-Sabbath, evening/morning
o   VACATION – retreats, conferences, a season of fasting/prayer

Let's pray...

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