Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Tuesday Night June 9, 2015 - Stewarding God's Deposits

Hey friends... really great Tuesday night small group. Excited that Thursday launches this week and our Monday & Wednesday night groups start next week! Holy Spirit is on the move.
Enjoyed watching the Will Hart video with everyone. Here's some of the quotes that stuck out to me as we listened:

A) God believes in the call and destiny on people's lives. Even if they don't believe in Him.
B) As we go after Jesus, he's coming after us.
C) You are created to be loved by Him and there's nothing you can do about it.
D) How can I continue to live like everyone else once I've experienced the power and love of the Father?!
E) I believe the church has lost it's sense of adventure.
F) What you've seen in the past doesn't justify your faith for today.
G) If Jesus comes to you in a way that makes you uncomfortable, it doesn't mean it's not Him.
H) Embrace the uncomfortable. The greatest changes take place in these moments.
I)Pray for the "suddenlies" of God.
J) God always presents you with choice. What we have to do is decide YES or NO.
K) Fear is faith in satan.
L) THe world is dying and they're looking for something real!
Let me know if there's something i missed that stuck out to all of you.
Love you friends

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