Sunday, March 11, 2007


March 11, 2007
SEX: "The Bad"

Where shall we begin?
 Remember: God’s design is for a man and woman in marriage & it’s good.
 BAD SEX begins when our eyes and hearts fail us.
 It is time to redefine ADULTERY.

Tell the David/Bathsheba story.
 Sex with someone not your spouse.
 Kissing someone not your spouse.
 Holding hands.
 Cup of coffee.
 Talking for hours on the phone.
 Watching or surfing for porn.
 Bra commercials.
 Eyeing the cheerleaders.
 Giving your heart to someone/thing else.
 YES!!!

How does bad sex happen?
 When we avoid the plan ~ Mark 10:5-9
 When we look. ~ Matthew 5:27-30
 When we let darkness in. ~ Luke 11:34-36
 When we make excuses. ~ Ephesians 5:6-13

We need to be culturally relevant, but we don't need to own the DVD's.

QUESTION: How can I pray for your sex life?
 For purity of our singles.
 For the intimacy of our couples.
 For redemption of those who have sinned...God's grace is definitely big enough!

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