The kids were cranky, but Zeke was almost unbearable. I had to carry him to the car screaming. We just chalked it up to 3 straight days at gma's and angry at parents. When he didn't stop screaming for half an hour, Corrie was like this is inhuman. Sam and Ethne seemed a bit freaked out by his behavior. When we got home, I took him straight to his room and closed the door. NOTE: we have not been yelling but have talked calmly with him the whole time. I asked him to take off his shoes and coat, which he refused to do, yelling as loud as he could in a voice I didn't recognize. I removed his shoes and hung up his jacket, then began to pray. The screaming got louder. I asked Zeke to tell me his name, at which point he yelled louder and said, "NO." Then, I asked him "in the name of Jesus" to tell me his name. He then screamed louder and said "get away from me." Then, I began to pray in tongues and asked the Spirit to come, which really agitated him. When, I place right hand on his forhead and my left on his heart and prayed "in the name of Jesus", he screamed 3-4 times, "I WILL NOT LET HIM GO!" in another voice and began to punch me 12-15 times in the face screaming "I WILL NOT LET GO!" several more times. After 10-15 minutes of prayer like this, he calmed some and I embraced him and once again began to pray in tongues over him. He got violent for about 30 seconds, then the Spirit broke through and I began to weep. After this, I began to ask him his name several more times. At about the fifth time, Zeke finally answered and said his name. He told me he was tired and very hungry... to quote the scriptures "he was sitting and in his right mind. (Mark 6)".
So now, I am tired and thinking a nap is in order, but not without leaving you with one more note. After all of this happened and Zeke was "himself" again. I began to wonder where the demon might have gone. So, I prayed against it bothering the rest of the house and agaist it bothering Corrie, me, Sam or Ethne. Then, on a whim, I prayed it wouldn't bother the dogs (see pigs in Mark 6). Upon the moment of me praying this, Bart (our younger-larger black lab) vommitted imediately under the table, ran into Zeke's room and vommitted again, then ran to the back door and puked once more before going outside...
Let me know your thoughts.
And please pray for us. Apparently we're in the right spot with God, because Satan doesn't attack non-threats to his earthly kingdom.
Come Jesus. Come Spirit and fill us up with new strength.
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