Monday, July 13, 2009

VOTSinger #6

Psalm 89
July 12, 2009
with Adam Waters

Corrie and I spent all day yesterday making supper. We smoked a porkloin, made homemade stuffing and more. In all, I'd say it was the best thing that we have ever made. Better than the chickens we smoked for our flock-feast. Better than thanksgiving dinner. What are some things you use to measure things by?
 Comparisons: my dad is bigger, he’s faster than, our food last night was better than…

o Who is Ethan the Ezrahite?
 1Kings – Solomon even smarter than this guy... in essence he was the 2nd smartest guy to ever live!
 Father of singers, in the line of kings, etc.
o READ: Psalm 89
o God is unfailing.
o God is bigger than anything we can imagine.
o God is planning for an amazing Kingdom (ends v.29)
o God is sometimes forced to withdraw from us (30-51).

Three Truths from this Text
1. We serve a God who’s love will endure forever!
Ethan’s wisdom from God’s spirit made this the central message of his psalm.
 NO MATTER what our lives or our church is going thru, God’s love for us is constant and will not fail.

2. We serve a God who’s ways, both his power and his plans, are bigger than we could ever imagine.
Ethan could not have known his words was going to be fulfilled in Jesus.
 For us today, a lot of what is going on in our church is hard to understand, but God is in control.

3. We serve a God who doesn’t change in spite of how our world seems to be in a constant state of change.
Ethan would have witnessed the split of the Kingdom of David at the end of Solomon’s reign.
 CHANGE IS A COMIN’ Oh Yeah! But God is constant… thru all of our trials and tribulations, be they home, work, school, finances, children, addictions… thru our brokenness our FATHER is patient and enduring.

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