Thursday, June 01, 2017

MAJOR LIFE UPDATE - June 1, 2017

Hello friends and family,
Corrie and Adam wanted to give some updates on some BIG things that are happening. Many have noticed there appears to be a shift and change in both our work & family schedules. So, to try and get to all of our platforms at once, we are posting here. Of course, feel free to email or text us any/all questions if you have them.

Anyway, we want to address the following:

  1. Adam's AWC business
  2. Corrie's work situation
  3. The Church
This January, our team & our family did a month long fast. During that time, one of the things we felt that we were to pray for was for our lives and jobs to get more focused. We have been spinning several plates for work as a family and felt like we were to ask the Lord for not only more focus, but for an open door or 2 to make our lives simpler. One month from today (July 1st), we feel like we will be embarking on that journey. Thanks for all of you who have been praying for this transition.

Adam Waters Creations BUSINESS
After nearly two years of doing this publicly, we have decided to close down the furniture and project business. Not due to lack of work. In fact, it always seems like someone is asking for a project to be started. We really enjoyed doing this, but it was getting to a point where we needed to "set up shop" more permanently and that wasn't going to be a possibility with other things going on in our world. As of today, we have discontinued the Facebook page. But, we will still consider LARGER projects on a "case by case" basis. These will be pretty few and far between though... and mostly for close friends and family.

Corrie's Job(s)
She is also making a slight transition. For the past 2 years, she has been working as the PA for Robby Dawkins Ministries ( After leaving her full-time gig at the Urbana Vineyard church last fall, she began helping out Hearts at Home ( with planning their conferences. Corrie was left her job with HaH. She will continue with RDM working nearly every day from her home office. To supplement income, she has decided to help out the Vineyard's MLMP conferences ( She will be going with Adam to Urbana on Tuesdays to work that job approximately one-day-per-week except during conference weekends.

The Church
Finally, the super important reveal. After two years of being a part-time church planter, things are looking positive for a change in Adam's role in the church. We've done super well pulling off weekly services for the past 15 months. Also, the campus is supporting things well. Plus, there are some needs for Adam to fulfill at the main campus in Urbana. All of this, leads to Adam returning to a full-time role with the Vineyard Church of Central Illinois starting July 1st. He will still be spending 5 of 7 days at the BN Campus, but will be traveling a little more.

What does all of this mean?
Corrie moving from 2 pt jobs to focussing mostly on RDM & helping out the church. Adam moving from 2 pt jobs to focussing exclusively on Vineyard. Both of us will be home-officing a couple days a week, so kid stuff will be easier. Thanks again to everyone who has been praying for us as we took this leap of faith 2 years ago. We feel like the "gamble" has paid off. Now on to BIGGER & BETTER things in our family and in the Kingdom!

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