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FALSE Paradigm:
(what do I have to do?) + Faith à
released to worship Jesus.
TRUE Paradigm:
your FOUNDATION, which is the Revelation of Jesus
this releases FAITH in the person of Jesus
faith in turn releases our ACTIONS for the Kingdom of Jesus
Jesus is the WORD OF POWER: He’s better than the angels!
4 having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited
is more excellent than theirs.
6 And
again, when he brings the firstborn into the world, he says, “Let all God's
angels worship him.”
2: 5 For it was not to angels that God subjected
the world to come, of which we are speaking.
2: 10 For it was fitting that he, for whom and by
whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should make the founder
of their salvation perfect through suffering.
Angel Illustrations/Pictures
o Gospel
of Luke: birth stories
o Isaiah
o Revelation
He’s better than not just your earthly
messengers (prophets), but He’s better than the heavenly messengers (angels).
Read 1:4-1:14
Superior to the angels
o The
o The
o Served
by angels
o Enthroned
and anointed
o Creator
o Sovereign
John 5:39-41
Read chapter 2
o “Therefore”
o Don’t
drift from your foundation.
o The
angels were reliable.
o God’s
message is proved through Jesus’ message, through us who heard, and through
God’s power in both of us!
o 2
Kingdoms: already and not yet (2:8-9).
o Jesus
came and lived “under the law” which was administered by angels.
o 2:11
– sanctified through suffering (Romans 6:18-19).
His deity is everything to us… His humanity is
equally important!
His Humanity
o Enabled
Him to regain man’s lost dominion (Robby’s sermon).
o Enabled
Him to bring many sons/daughters to glory.
o Enabled
Him to disarm Satan, sin, and death.
o Enabled
Him to be a sympathetic High Priest.
o Son
of man highlights the fact that the Messiah is now to be seen as the true,
typical, authentic, and representative Human Being.
§ Romans
§ John
§ 1
Corinthians 15
o He
is the Truly Human One.
o (STEDMAN) Jesus is the representative
of the human race. His exaltation as Lord, after his earthly ministry,
suffering and death (in which he was indeed “lower than the angels”) has placed
him in the role marked from the beginning for the human race. He has gone ahead
of the rest of us into God’s future.
Other Thoughts
o God’s
aim of forgiving the sins of His people is all part of a larger aim, to create
a world in which evil has no place. And the point of these passages is that all
this is to happen, not through angels (they are assistants in the process), but
through the anointed king, the Messiah.
o Once
you see who the Son really is, and the role He was always intended to play in
God’s plan, you won’t want to go back to anything (the law) or anyone
(angels/prophets) else.
o There
is nothing we face, today or tomorrow or the next day (ch. 13), in which Jesus
cannot sympathize, help and rescue us, and through which He cannot forge a way
into God’s new world.
Mirror 2:18
Psalm 97:7
Psalm 104:4
Psalm 45:6-7
Psalm 102:25-27
Romans 8:29
Psalm 22
(WW) As you read this passage, you
cannot help but be amazed at the grace and wisdom of God. From a human point of
view, it would seem foolish for God to become man, yet it was this very act of
grace that made possible our salvation and all that goes with it. When Jesus
became man, He did not become inferior to the angels, for in His human body He
accomplished something that angels could never accomplish. At the same time, He
made it possible for us to share in His glory. He is not ashamed to call us His
brothers and sisters.
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