Tuesday, August 13, 2013

GALATIANS Class Week #3 Master Copy Handouts!



§  Who is Abraham?
o   His promise
o   Father of faith
§  Covenant Talk
o   Abramic Covenant
o   Mosaic covenant
o   What does Jesus say?
o   What did Jesus do?


§  Galatians 3:1-9
o   Foolish Galatians!
§  Foolish – without thinking.
·       Paul does NOT accuse them of lacking intelligence but of an inability or a refusal to recognize the real situation.
§  Bewitched – to cast a magic spell.
·       Their new behavior was so strange that it appeared as if someone had put a spell on them.
§  Understanding how strongly Paul is attacking?
·       Mixing grace and law.
·       Created some weird/false gospel.
·       Trying to become justified by works.
·       NOT living as one who is righteous.
·       So crazy that it appears as if a magic spell has been cast upon your church.
o   The Holy Spirit is NOT enough!!
§  HE convicts us.
§  HE rebirths us.
§  HE baptizes us.
§  HE is our guarantee/seal.
§  HE lives in us.
§  HE walks with us.
§  HE abides with us.


§  Right standing.
§  Declaration by God that we have the same identity as Jesus.
§  Righteousness of God conveys the thought of God’s active help of man in the miracle of HIS grace.
§  This righteousness is proclaimed by Jesus as a gift of the Kingdom.
§  By faith in Jesus and His work on the cross, we are given a brand new relationship with the Father.
§  NOT only are we forgiven but we are given a new moral standing with God because HE dealt with the sin problem on the cross and HE maintains the order in which we can have fellowship through grace.


§  Cannot justify the sinner.
§  Cannot give us righteousness.
§  Cannot give the Spirit.
§  Cannot make us God’s kids.
§  Cannot give life.
§  Cannot give liberty/freedom.


§  Galatians 3:10-14
o   Apple/Fruit: Story of sin put back on the tree
§  Works righteousness can never save the sinner; ONLY faith righteousness can do that.
§  Salvation
o   Is NOT exchanging one form of bondage for another.
o   It is being set free from the bondage of sin and the law into liberty of God’s grace through Christ


§  Galatians 3:15-29
§  The Law cannot change the promise.
o   God made the covenant with Abraham NOT the other way around.
§  The Law is NOT greater than the promise.
o   Galatians 2:21
o   The covenant was – NOT conditional nor temporary.
o   The law was – conditional and temporary.
o   The covenant was – personal.
o   The law – required mediators.
§  The Law is NOT contrary to the promise.
o   Law cooperates with the promise to fulfill the purpose of God.
o   Use of the Law is to reveal sin and cause men to see their need of a savior.
o   Misuse of the Law is to try to achieve salvation by keeping it.
§  The Law cannot do what the promise can do.
o   There is greater glory in the gracious salvation of God found in Jesus.
o   If we are “in Christ” by faith, then we too are “Abraham’s seed ”.  
o   Your Christian life ought to take on new wonder and meaning as you realize all that you have in Jesus.   


§  Genesis 12
§  Genesis 15
§  John 16
§  John 3
§  1 Corinthians 12
§  Ephesians 1
§  1 Corinthians 6
§  Galatians 5
§  John 14
§  Romans 1:17
§  Habakkuk 2:4
§  Matthew 6:33
§  Hebrews 6:13-18
§  Hebrews 6:18-20
§  Romans 4


1.     Why is the Holy Spirit able to change a person, while the Law of Moses is not?

2.     How do law and grace complement each other?

3.     What does all this discussion of the Jewish Law have to do with you?

4.     In light of what Paul says about the law, what should be our attitude toward the Ten Commandments?

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