May 24, 2009
with Adam Waters
• Have you ever left a job? Left it and wondered (whether you found another job right away or not) “why did I stay there so long?” I was in a miserable situation! Tell a brief story about leaving for the possibility of God’s future...
• Life before marriage? Children? How did we ever live that way? Tell of my experience…
• Brief testimony about my life before Jesus and my conversion day… every day since then has been a growing experience…
THE Prophet’s VOICE
Put your old life behind you! - 52:1-12
o Snap out of it.
o Remember God’s STRENGTH is with you… it’s not about your power.
o Rejoice for the Father returned long ago to ransom YOU.
o Leave your captivity and purify yourself.
Follow the man of sorrows.
o Highly exalted in heaven but not on earth. (52:13-15)
o Beautiful in heaven’s eyes but not man’s. (53:1-3)
o Innocent in heaven’s eyes but condemned in life. (53:4-9)
o Fulfilled in heaven’s sight but anguish is all the world sees. (53:10-12)
It’s time to live as people who have been purified by God’s perfect holiness.
o Isaiah 54:4-8
o No longer full of fear and shame!
o No longer divorced or widowed but married and in love!
o The great compassion of God filling up our hearts!
Holiness has produced in us a great hope for all the world to witness!
o 52:6 ~ God’s voice is calling us to action (chapter 6).
o 53:2 ~ God’s presence is the foundation for our growth (John).
o 54:10 ~ God’s love is big enough for all of our sins.
o 55:8-9 ~ God’s plan is just crazy enough to work!
o Romans 10:13-17
To be the “sent-ones” just like Isaiah.
To be the people who take God’s message of hope…
he is perfectly holy… he is perfectly grace…
TURN from your old life!
FOLLOW the man of sorrows!
Wrap it up: Time of challenge and prayer.
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