April 5, 2009
with Adam Waters
In the movie “Big Daddy,” with Adam Sandler it cracks me up when they waste the birthday surprise for his friend on him. He says, “Did you waste the Good Surprise on me?” This week I got a good surprise.
Every once in awhile, we get surprised again when we read Scripture. I had a little of that this week when I read our text. Matt Johnson and I flip-flopped our preaching dates, so I got to get reacquainted with this passage. The thought of Jesus prophesying the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD seems almost foreign to me at first. He was so focused on His Father’s Kingdom and His mission to redeem the universe that it seemed strange that He had such a soft spot for this city… not surprising though. It had been the epicenter of worship of the Lord God for a long time. He knew that the light the Jews were supposed to be to the world was about to get shifted (remember chapter 12 when the vineyard owner was going to give care over to new tenant-farmers!). Jesus knew that Jerusalem would never again look like it did during His lifetime. Everything was getting ready to change as God’s Spirit would shift from operating through Israel’s prophets that lived and breathed in this central land area for the world to blowing in and out of God’s people all over the world.
Today, I want us to unpack this surprising text together and make it relevant for 2009. As you read it, Jesus’ description of the lead up and destruction of Jerusalem seems like it doesn’t have much to say to you and me, but there are some realities that are as true today as they were 2,000 years ago…
READ Mark 13 (whole chapter)
Historical Truths Jesus, sitting on a hill looking with love on Jerusalem.
1. The temple/Jerusalem were destroyed in 70AD by the Romans.
2. The apostles were persecuted. Look at the book of Acts!
3. The Dome of the Rock was built on the site of the Temple. (637AD Muslims invaded the Byzantine Empire and from 685-691 built the DOR to compete with the splendor of monuments set up by other religions. There it STILL stands)
4. There has been centuries of war (still going on…) over the land of Israel.
5. Many have said and done things in the Lord’s name that were false. (EX: crusades, witch hunts, inquisitions, fundraisers, etc.)
Modern Application “Don’t let anyone mislead you!”
Verses 5, 23, 33 and 37 implore us to watch out that the mystery of our future doesn't distract us from following Jesus' VOICE!
• War, natural disasters, famines and the persecution of the saints are a natural part of what God expected to happen. (13:1-13)
• God never expected for the country of Israel to last… his people yes (v20), but not the nation. (13:14-20)
• God expected/still expects that His Name will be misused, but we are to pay attention to HIS Voice. (13:21-31)
• Jesus gave us this teaching, so that we would prepare… for He expects us to be ready for His return. (13:32-37)
Matthew 25 "Story of the Bridesmaids" implores us to stay alert and awake for Christ's triumphal RE-entry!
We must tune our ears to a different station…
We are challenging you to live like what God has to say actually matters!
If what he is saying matters, then we need to realize 2 things:
o History never surprises our heavenly Father.
o History should never surprise us!
As followers of Jesus we must walk around with a different perspective... hopeful in trials... anticipatory not fearing the future!
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