January 18, 2009
with Adam Waters
DISCLAIMER (sort of): Friends, I let the Holy Spirit speak through me quite a bit on Sunday, so the notes are at best incomplete. Here is the shell of a sermon that I worked from, but there was definitely alot more involved in what was said than was written here.
NOTES ~ Let the Holy Spirit fill and control you.
I set my alarm clock 10 minutes fast just so that the first number I see everyday isn’t a 4.
Coffee shop…the first 6-7 hours of my day
Lunch/break…a chance to see my family and get my list from my wife.
Office…sermons, paperwork, newsletters, emails, visitor follow-up.
Running... Bank/post office/ store/ meetings.
Dinner… nighttime events?
Talk with my wife… television… sleep
Get up and do it all over again.
Coffee shop…the first 6-7 hours of my day
Lunch/break…a chance to see my family and get my list from my wife.
Office…sermons, paperwork, newsletters, emails, visitor follow-up.
Running... Bank/post office/ store/ meetings.
Dinner… nighttime events?
Talk with my wife… television… sleep
Get up and do it all over again.
LET THE HOLY SPIRIT FILL AND CONTROL YOU... how do I do that when I'm so tired.
QUESTION #1: How do we focus on the Father when life looks like this?
Matt spent time on our OUTWARD FOCUSED loving (ORC).
Next week Jeff will talk of our INWARD FOCUSED loving (ARD).
Today, I want to discuss our relationship to our Father.
First, we must define once again the Holy Spirit and his role in our lives: Jesus calls him our Counsel, guide, conviction, truth, and power. The Holy Spirit is God’s presence involved in our everyday life. That’s why it’s miraculous and strange sometimes, because God’s presence has no boundaries.
He’s not looking for good people to indwell in, but rather people who desire his presence.
The book of Matthew teaches us many things, but mostly it focuses our priorities on the priorities of the Father. In 6:33, Jesus teaches us to make the “Kingdom of God our primary concern.” This focuses us. It takes us from just living our lives and being either beaten up or enriched by them… and centers us on doing ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING to the glory of God and His Kingdom… not our own concerns.
1. You must love outwardly to please our Father not men (Matt 6:1-4).
2. You must sacrifice time (and sometimes comfort) to please our Father and not ourselves (5-18).
3. You must store up treasure in heaven (6:19ff).
QUESTION #2: Where do I/we need to change our course?
Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near…
Repentance is a huge step in allowing the Holy Spirit control over your life… removing our own focus and replacing it with God’s focus brings us closer to aligning completely with his Kingdom.
So what needs to change today?
CHALLENGE: Confession and Communion… but true repentance lies in you changing your actions.
QUESTION #1: How do we focus on the Father when life looks like this?
Matt spent time on our OUTWARD FOCUSED loving (ORC).
Next week Jeff will talk of our INWARD FOCUSED loving (ARD).
Today, I want to discuss our relationship to our Father.
First, we must define once again the Holy Spirit and his role in our lives: Jesus calls him our Counsel, guide, conviction, truth, and power. The Holy Spirit is God’s presence involved in our everyday life. That’s why it’s miraculous and strange sometimes, because God’s presence has no boundaries.
He’s not looking for good people to indwell in, but rather people who desire his presence.
The book of Matthew teaches us many things, but mostly it focuses our priorities on the priorities of the Father. In 6:33, Jesus teaches us to make the “Kingdom of God our primary concern.” This focuses us. It takes us from just living our lives and being either beaten up or enriched by them… and centers us on doing ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING to the glory of God and His Kingdom… not our own concerns.
1. You must love outwardly to please our Father not men (Matt 6:1-4).
2. You must sacrifice time (and sometimes comfort) to please our Father and not ourselves (5-18).
3. You must store up treasure in heaven (6:19ff).
QUESTION #2: Where do I/we need to change our course?
Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near…
Repentance is a huge step in allowing the Holy Spirit control over your life… removing our own focus and replacing it with God’s focus brings us closer to aligning completely with his Kingdom.
So what needs to change today?
CHALLENGE: Confession and Communion… but true repentance lies in you changing your actions.
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