Tuesday, November 04, 2008


November 2, 2008
with Adam Waters
I apologize that these notes are very incomplete and brief. As those of you know who were there Sunday, I wrestled with this text for a long time. So in the end, God spoke outside the notes alot on Sunday. I feel like the Spirit spoke and captured the heart of the text better than these notes. But, for those of you who missed it, here are some of the major things that we discussed.

Grab a piece of paper
Write down the 3 worst things that have happened to you in the past 5 years
Now, write down who’s to blame?

Where have we been?
· SWIM Theme
· SOAKED IN? The Spirit, Joy, Compassion, Forgiveness, Redemption, Discipline, Righteousness and Transparency
I spent an extended time here talking about the personal struggles of my family in the past 4 years after a tremendous year of blessing in 03-04.
TODAY's QUESTION: How do you remain faithful when Satan is out to get you?
We need a Perspective Change
Father gives all blessing.
7 sons and 3 daughters, thousands of possessions, many employees, richest person in that area (1:3)
Protected by God, prospered by God (1:9)
Gives health (2:4-5)
Restores Job to greater wealth and returns to him new children… and long life (42:12-16)
Father can take all blessing away.
1:12 Gives Satan permission to test him.
1:21 Job’s poem.
2:6-7 Gives Satan permission to make ill but not kill.
Father is bigger than our problems.
Job’s friends come to sit with him (2:13)
Job cries out many times in his anguish… not cursing God, but not thanking him for his life and the life of his wife.
Job’s friends speak encouragement, rebuke and of who they think God is.
Finally, God blows away the notion that He is not big enough (38-41).
REMEMBER: Father is in control and unhindered by our situation.

JOB’S EXAMPLE 1:1 (1:8)
· Blameless/Complete Integrity
· Feared God
· Stayed away from evil.
· Does not blame God (1:22)
· Takes the good with the bad (2:10)
· When God gives him perspective, he recognizes who is in charge.

40:3-5 “I am nothing. How could I ever find the answers? I will put my hand over my mouth in silence. I have said too much already. I have nothing more to say.”
42:2-6 “I know that you can do anything, and no one can stop you. You ask `Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorance?’ It is I. And I was talking about things I did not understand, things far too wonderful for me. You said, `Listen and I will speak. I have some questions for you, and you must answer them.’ I had heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes. I take back everything I said, and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance.”
Instead of me teaching, this text of Job has taught me a lot this week. Maybe it's not about "Satan out to get us." but rather that God trusts us with trials.
Personally, the past 4 years have held many things for me and Corrie. Financial and physical struggles. Personal attacks on our character. Friends who had "great advice" for us. Some of it sounds alot like Job. For us, our perspective has to change to a God who allows this to happen because he trusts us... for us we've learned that God doesn't want us to moan in the dirt like Job, but rather to realize who big and amazing our Father is and rest in his Sovereignty.

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