September 21, 2008
with Adam Waters
As we approach November and another presidential election, we are faced with many things that only seem to be on our radar every 4 years: the right to own firearms; pro-life vs. pro-choice; bigger government v. smaller government; taxes or no; social security; and more.
During election years, the candidates do their best to tell you what they think 51% of the country will agree with them on... I’m not here today to push a political agenda, but rather to address the idea of the fact that Obama and McCain both are going to try to tell you: which laws they like, which they don’t, which need tweaking, which need a complete overhaul, which align with their personal faith (or don’t), which laws of the land are up-for-discussion…
As John wrote his letter (1John), he was writing to a group of Christians who had been taught by certain special interest groups (most notably the Gnostics and Romans) that several aspects of their faith in Jesus were up for negotiation. Into that arena, John pens his letter and tells the church that real, honest, transparent Christianity has some things that are Non-Negotiable.
OLD/NEW COMMAND: Love one another.
1. This command is true if the darkness is disappearing. (2:8-11)
o The cobwebs/cockroaches are being cleaned away.
o We don’t hate other believers.
o We don’t cause others to stumble.
2. This command is true if you are growing in Christ (2:12-14)
o Sins forgiven.
o Know Jesus.
o Won the battle with Satan.
o Know the Father.
o God’s word is alive in your hearts.
3. This command is true if you’ve forsaken the will of the world (2:15-17)
o The earth itself is not evil. Creation is God’s… and he called it “good.”
o World offers physical pleasure.
o World offers lust (covet) for all we see.
o World offers pride in our possessions.
o These are not God’s creation.
o World fades… the will of God is eternal.
4. This command is true if truth is winning in your lives (2:18-27)
o Antichrist brings lies, denies the Father, and leaves the body.
o Christian is anointed by the Spirit, knows truth and falsehood, and confesses Jesus & Father as Lord of our lives.
o Truth helps us to remain faithful and remain in KOINONIA with God.
5. This command is true if we continue to be transparent with God and men (2:27-29)
o Continue to let the Spirit teach you.
o Continue to live in KOINONIA with Jesus.
o Continue to do what is right.
The command to “love one another” is true in a community of faith (a church) that is transparent, alive, and growing into the church God has designed for her to be.
The command to “love one another” is worthless in a church that is dark, dying and deluged in the desires of this world and not the next.
“Loving one another” is practice for eternity, not something that will advance you in the world…
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