May 11, 2008
with Adam Waters
Kevin Garnett is one of my favorite basketball players and has been since I saw him play in high school. But, he solidified my admiration for him last weekend when he was interviewed after the Cleveland game. He was asked how hard it was to sacrifice and come back and play 2 nights after ending a 7 game series with Atlanta. He laughed at the reporter and said, "Sacrifice? My mom working 3rd shift to support my family so that I could play basketball. That was sacrifice."
It's true. Mom's take a ton of their plans, dreams and time and put them aside. They sacrifice day in and day out for their children.
As a swimmer, I will…
SATISFY the Spirit’s leading.
WIN the battles of the flesh.
INHERIT the Kingdom.
MANIFEST the character of God.
When we were babies and utterly helpless, our mom's sacrificed their lives for us.
His Sacrifice
• KEY: Romans 5:6 “When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners.”
• Sacrifice is the beginning of forgiveness
o OT model said that the Hebrews had to bring the sacrifice to the priests
o NT model in Christ says that He the priest brought himself ,jni iso there was no more need for our sacrifices
• Philippians 2 – Christ’s decision to humble himself and become man, become obedient to death
• Jesus starts the eternal forgiveness process not something that we do (ex: NOT at baptism)
SWIMMING LESSON: Romans 5:1-21
• what Jesus did for us (1)
• God sent Jesus (8)
• restored to friendship through Jesus (10)
• forgiveness is a gift (15)
• God’s kindness is abundant (20-21)
• All of these things put the onus on God’s act and not our own! This becomes really important for us as we move forward toward weeks 2 and 3 of our "Forgiveness" series focused on our Submission and Soaking.
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