April 20, 2008
with Adam Waters
Ashley Johnson did a detailed bank description of finding authentic dollar bills.
Movie: LEAP OF FAITH with Steve Martin. Tell the story of the little boy who is healed. Watch out for the genuine article.
READ 3:12-4:1
Paul IS the genuine article in his faith… in his relationship with Jesus… and he’s calling us.
• Philippians 4:1 ~ “Dear friends, I love you and long to see you, for you are my joy and the reward for my work. So PLEASE stay true to the Lord.”
• STEAKO – stay true; steady in God; stand inside the Lord; stand firm in the fullness of your Master
• In this place, STEAKO-ed with Jesus, you cannot be anything short of true, real, authentic.
As a swimmer, I will…
SATISFY the Spirit’s leading.
WIN the battles of the flesh.
INHERIT the Kingdom.
MANIFEST the character of God.
SWIMMING LESSON: JOY comes through authenticity with Jesus
Authentic joy comes by standing firm in your growth. KEEP LEARNING TO SWIM!
Authentic joy comes by standing firm in your obedience. DO NOT WAVER FROM TRUTH!
Authentic joy comes by standing firm in your following. PATTERN YOUR LIFE AFTER JESUS and HIS SERVANTS. (our footprints in his)
REMEMBER: This is honest, real joy!
Life can’t take away your relationship to Jesus because it’s not a fake one.
You cannot hide who you are to Jesus.
Yell, kick, scream at him if you need to.
Some of us want to hide who are kids are at home.
50 years of marriage for Al/Barb: they let it out.
NO FALSEHOOD brings authentic joy in Christ.
When people see you, can they see that you're the real deal?
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