February 17, 2008
with Adam Waters
• Are you ready for your first swimmng lesson?
• Last week, we showed you what swimming looks like.
• Now, it's time for us to get in the pool.
…are WET because they can swim and they choose to swim.
SATISFY the Spirit’s leading.
WIN the battles of the flesh.
INHERIT the Kingdom.
MANIFEST the character of God.
Today, we begin to get rid of our waste by getting SOAKED in the Spirit of God. Our beloved Gifter!
Told a story: about getting a gallon of vegetable oil dumped on my head in college. It changed the way everything functioned. I lost my shirt. I had to shave my head and face. The elastic in my shorts no longer worked and the shorts doubled in size. I had to double and triple my showers for days. The acne on my face went crazy. Basically, the oil had permeated every aspect of my life in some way or another.
READ: 1Corinthians 12:1-26
“A spiritual gift is given to each of us as a means of helping the entire church.”
For GROWTH we must focus on the gift source.
For GROWTH we must focus on one body.
For GROWTH we must focus on the need for others.
How does this help us swim?
12:1 – It corrects our misunderstandings and ignorance.
12:13 – It teaches us reliance on the Spirit of God.
12:20-21 - It forces us to love others.
12:25-26 - It gets us taking lessons together.
PRAYERS FOR communion, offerings and commitment to GROW!
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