December 16, 2007
with Adam Waters
December 16, 2007
with Adam Waters
· I am a lover of food… told of all the things I like the most.
· My first thanksgiving with the Jennings… we planned dinner at lunch, breakfast at dinner, etc… I thought “now, this is a family I can get on board with!”
· Going to the grocery store hungry is a bad thing… Driving down FieldsErtel or MasonMontgommery hungry is almost worse… WHEN WE’RE STARVING WE WILL SOMETIMES EAT THINGS THAT WILL NOT NOURISH US!
· In the midst of a starving generation, came Jesus. A generation where the priests had corrupted God’s law. Where the true prophets of God had been silent for years and false prophets were everywhere. Where people were following every wind of teaching and rebellion against the Romans.
· In comes Jesus with a “new” diet.
· I am a lover of food… told of all the things I like the most.
· My first thanksgiving with the Jennings… we planned dinner at lunch, breakfast at dinner, etc… I thought “now, this is a family I can get on board with!”
· Going to the grocery store hungry is a bad thing… Driving down FieldsErtel or MasonMontgommery hungry is almost worse… WHEN WE’RE STARVING WE WILL SOMETIMES EAT THINGS THAT WILL NOT NOURISH US!
· In the midst of a starving generation, came Jesus. A generation where the priests had corrupted God’s law. Where the true prophets of God had been silent for years and false prophets were everywhere. Where people were following every wind of teaching and rebellion against the Romans.
· In comes Jesus with a “new” diet.
The crowds came hungry for miracles: THEY HADN’T SEEN GOD IN YEARS.
John 6:1-25
Jesus feeds the 5,000. He walks on water. He appears on the other side of the lake.
The crowds came hungry for manna: FEED US!
John 6:26-34
They put faith in Moses, not in the Father who worked through Moses.
The crowds came thirsty for water: WE’RE DEHYDRATED!
John 6:35
John 4:1-15
They could not see beyond their own physical needs.
Jesus brought a “new” perspective.
John 4:31-34 ~ Nourishment comes from doing God’s will and finishing God’s work.
Manna gave physical life. BREAD from heaven gives everlasting life. (6:35-40)
Romans 8:5-8 ~ Will you follow your FLESH or be controlled by the SPIRIT desire.
Jesus gave them the spirit – 6:63
Jesus gave them his word – 6:63
Jesus gave them eternal life – 6:47
Jesus gave them HIMSELF – 6:47-51
Remain (meh-known) in me!
John 6:56 – A Promise.
· We’re not coming to be fed (as the priest would do with the sacrifices).
· We’re not coming out of habitual repetition (as the Jews were).
· We come to proclaim Jesus (1 Corinthians).
· We come to accept Jesus’ sacrifice for all (6:51).
· We come to receive God’s power (6:57).
· We come to FEAST on the nourishment that can only come from a living, active, present, real God who loves us indescribably.
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