Tuesday, October 24, 2006

ACT POEMS: Prayer by Adam via Jeff

Here are the notes from the sermon that Jeff preached for me last week. Basically, if you want to catch up, read the story found in Acts chapters 2-3. Then, realize that the church's reaction to the persecution of John and Peter was to pray. And not just to pray, but to pray in unison. To pray as one heart lifting their voices together before the Father. This talk was about bringing our hearts together in prayer for a powerful response from heaven.

I want to teach you all a saying…
“The outcome of prayer is not dependent on me…
GOD ALONE determines the outcome.”

Acts 3 and 4 “The story of the blind man. Peter and John’s arrest.”

When we pray together…
• …it should happen no matter the circumstances.
• …it should happen in unison.
• …it should bring about powerful results. (Rev. 8:3-5)

Prayer tonight…
• Last week, we learned the story of Elijah on Mt. Carmel. It taught us to pray bigger, to pray for the impossible to become possible.
• Tonight, we need to take that knowledge and pray together.

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