Monday, July 15, 2019

Sent with Good News - July 14, 2019

PODCAST available at

Week #2 – Sent with Good News

PRAYER OPEN – slide of map
Did you know that at one point the British Empire…
·      Was the largest in the history of the world
·      For over 100 years, one small island of people dominated the global landscape
·      For 2 centuries, the UK sent out explorations oversees to establish trading posts and colonies.
·      And by 1913 the empire involved 412 million people which amounted to 23% of the world’s population… ¼ people on EARTH were in the BE
·      Not to mention 14 million sq/miles or 24% of the earth’s land mass… that means ¼ feet of the earth were in the BE
·      It was literally called “The Empire on Which the Sun Never Sets because part of the BE was always during daylight hours. Describe the British empire

Now, a lot has happened since 1920 and the height of the BE, but it’s political, legal, linguistic and cultural legacy is still pretty wide spread. Did you know…
·      The UK still has 16 sovereign nations that still call the Queen their monarch?
·      That over 50 countries still refer to British Parliament for final disputes in certain matters… especially concerning war.
·      In fact, if any of those 50 countries were attacked, the UK would bear some responsibility to come to their aid.
·      At this point, the UK has authority on ALL 7 continents (yes, Antarctica too).
·      The spread of English culture is undeniable as over 1.5 Billion people now speak English in our world.
·      Most of the known world has taken to driving on the left side of the road due to their influence (we are still rebelling).
·      Most of the world uses their system of measurement (metric system).
·      And they are the originators of Democracy… & most of the world celebrates.
·      Just for fun: they invented golf, football, cricket, rugby, hockey and tennis J.

At the height of the BE power, you could definitely say that they were “near you now” to almost everyone on the planet.

Today, you could probably still say that the influence of the BE is “near you now”. Some of you probably need to change the way you think about the world you live in… and come to grips with the reality that the BE is still “near you now.”
Friends, sometimes we think that the message of Christianity is just about the 10 commandments, personal salvation, or heaven. But that’s not really what Jesus came to talk about. They may be part of the equation, but He told us about His mission in every Gospel and at every chance He could.

Jesus’ message was really about
·      the Rule of God returning to earth.
·      AND about returning humanity to our rightful place in the pecking order.
·      His primary message was “Change Your Thinking” or as I like to say, wake up!
·      AND “heaven is right here,” don’t miss it!

Mark 1
14 Later on, after John was arrested, Jesus went into Galilee, where he preached God’s Good News. 15 “The time promised by God has come at last!” he announced. “The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News!”

Matthew 4:17
17 From then on Jesus began to preach, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.”

·      Some of us probably need to change the way you think about the world you live in (Repentance)…
·      And, come to grips with the reality that the Kingdom is still “near you now.”
·      ILLUSTRATE: remember one of the first times I had to change the way I thought… Methodist Wednesday prayer meeting… woman with bandana… next week

Why was this so important?
·      The people of earth had lived under the oppression of the enemy & the oppression of each other for 4,000 years of human history between the garden of Eden and the garden of Gethsemane.
·      The people of God (the Hebrews) especially were crying out for the Savior that was promised.
·      All of creation was longing for the day when the Garden of Eden would return.
·      Jesus shows up and says IT’S HERE!
·      Stop thinking the way you used to… it’s here!
·      You’re no longer in slavery… you’re no longer in bondage and brokenness…
·      Actually, the thing you’ve been looking for is right in front of you.
·      Over the next 4 weekends, we will be talking about how Jesus (and us) show that to the world… we are sent to our world to SHOW the Kingdom
·      But for today, I want us to focus in on the MESSAGE.
·      And the message is this:
·      “Change your thinking and realize, Heaven is right here.”

Last Sunday, we began this series with the idea that we are all SENT to love our cities. Today, we want to unpack the MESSAGE we are SENT with.

Jesus sent out the twelve apostles with these instructions: “Don’t go to the Gentiles or the Samaritans, but only to the people of Israel—God’s lost sheep.Go and announce to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!

I love that Jesus keeps it simple for us doesn’t He?!
·      You don’t have to talk about anything different that He has.
·      He announced the Kingdom
·      You go announce the Kingdom
·      Remember Matthew 28 – teach them everything I taught you.

Let’s unpack this a little…

The Kingdom
·      Of God/of Heaven
·      His rule/authority on earth
·      Not necessarily a physical place… but you can tell who’s in charge

Near You Now
·      Close proximity
·      All around
·      Has authority in your life
·      Has influence in your life
·      Has POWER to change your situation
o   English help in war (Attack in n Africa but help from elsewhere)

·      We’ve messed this one up lots – lie down on ground
·      The word is literally – the way you think – stop it!
o   Illustration – kids and maturity/growing up (who pays for things)
·      Maybe this is you right now… you’re still thinking that heaven is just an idea for religious people… maybe you think it just happens when you die (gospel call)
·      Maybe you need to stop thinking that way… change your thinking and realize its right around you

We are SENT with a specific message. The Kingdom of God HAS ARRIVED. It’s not just personal salvation. Rather it's that the FULL rule and reign of Jesus is now amongst us to bring WHOLENESS to the entirety of our world in every arena. (Sozo – complete)
·      “Change your thinking and realize, Heaven is right here.”
·      Movies – Harry Potter, the Matrix, Dr Strange, Men in Black
·      If you knew KofH was not only real but accessible, what would you do?
So, what do SENT ones do with this information?

We can’t sit still can we? I mean this is really good news. It means that what Jesus had access to (heaven), we have access to. He lives in us who believe!

Which means: Everywhere you go, the Kingdom of Heaven goes!

 2 Corinthians 5 says it this way…17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
·      If you are a believer in Christ, you’ve been made something new.
·      You no longer belong to this world but to the next.
·      You look, smell and taste like Jesus.
·      Some today need to change their thinking and accept Jesus as Lord.
·      Some today need to change their thinking and begin acting like they’re NEW!
·      Everywhere you go, the Kingdom of Heaven goes!
·      Paul continues after telling us we are “new” by reminding us of our mission:

2 Corinthians 20a “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us…”
·      Ambassadors exercise the Rule and Reign of their leader, president, king/queen
·      Ambassadors have complete authority in a foreign land
·      Ambassadors cannot be accused, accosted, or persecuted because the foreign land can’t touch them without an act of war.
·      You are Christ’s ambassadors… much like those who led the BE on 25% of the world, you now go with Heaven’s love, power, grace & message into every corner of your world.
·      Everywhere you go, the Kingdom of Heaven goes!

So, what is our message to our world?
·      You don’t have to live in the brokenness that you currently do.
·      There is resurrection life in those who believe.
·      There is Heaven’s authority right around us…
·      All we need to do is access it by faith. Faith/belief in Jesus who began God’s Kingdom of Heaven on earth is all that you need.
·      It seems so simple… and on some level it is…
·      God wants all of His children to play in His Kingdom and exercise His authority on earth. He wants you to have abundant life!
·      Illustration – like Dr Strange – when KOH real to me – “Teach Me!” – hungry for the stuff of God – school, ministry, practice – Phil Strout “do what HS doing!”

Next weeks, we talk about how to exercise the authority, but today NEED 2begin w/faith:
1.    For one group, this is a first time
2.    For a 2nd group, this is a recommitment to belief
3.    For others, this is realizing the truth that everywhere I go… Heaven goes too!