Monday, August 14, 2017

Walking in God's Promises - August 13, 2017

God wants to use us to “Change the World with Jesus.” He has a dream for each and every person in this room.

I can remember, with remarkable clarity, the first time I felt like the Lord spoke a dream into my heart… the first time I felt like He said a promise over my life.
Tell the STORY of JH conference in Cincinnati.
·      Since then, I’ve had quite a few encounters that have pushed that dream.
·      I’ve had quite a few “battles” that have tried to squash that promise.
·      I’ve also been privileged to have many friends, speakers, & even random people speak blessing to the dream without ever knowing it.

Most of us want to walk in the fullness of the promises of God but…
·      We never take the first step
·      Or maybe we see a victory and think that’s the promise
·      Sometimes we don’t push far enough or we don’t wait long enough
·      We waited for the final outcome instead of acting on the faith of the first sign.

Today, I want to look at an OT story that deals with this idea of hearing a promise from God and then walking it out. I think that this story is important because it helps us…
a)    Understand that God is constantly talking & telling us His promises.
b)    Understand how to walk out His promises
c)    Understand that God is speaking promises over this BN Vineyard

Today, we are going to be spending time in the stories of Elijah from 1Kings 18… and try to pull out some truths for us as we learn to walk in God’s promises… and pull out some truth for us on where we are at as the BN Vineyard.

1 Kings 18:1
·      Set the stage – famine, widow, raising the dead, the King is hunting to kill him
·      Read the text… the promise of rain had come!
·      Takeaway #1 à When things are at their worst, God speaks the loudest.
·      Your struggles? à money, illness, jobs, relationships à listen hardest now

1 Kings 18:1-19
·      Tell the full story
·      SLIDES: 18:1-2, 7-8, and 15-16
·      Takeaway #2 à When God speaks, go on the offensive.
·      Show yourself to the enemy.
·      Don’t wait… don’t hold back… don’t make sure things “feel right”… go forward.
·      BN Vineyard à began to gather and pray right away…
·      Build when there seems to be nothing
·      Declaring our intention to plant… to Hap, to “old” vineyard, to family to the church.

1 Kings 18:17-19
·      The verbal abuse of the enemy.
·      Some of us just need to declare battle!
·      Takeaway #3 à When the enemy attacks, UP THE STAKES!
·      Bring whatever you have Ahab… God’s promises are bigger.
·      BN Vineyard à tremendous spiritual battle! Financial, jobs, sickness, more… especially among those who were moving from other cities to BN… even with the purchases of their homes.
·      Kingdom Healing… SOKM… HOTS… push against the kingdom of darkness.

A Famous Bible Story
·      1 Kings 18:20-35 à Elijah goes to battle
·      SLIDES: 18:22-24, 28-29
·      Takeaway #4 à The enemy may shout, but his voice will not drown out God’s promises.
·      BN Vineyard à tremendous doubt… with us and many on the team… but we pressed in harder
·      SLIDES: 18:32-35
·      BN Vineyard à if there is push back in your spiritual life… in your service to Jesus and His church… then you are probably doing something right!
·      Up the stakes… and God will come through

The promise of this church…
·      That we would be a growing and thriving community
·      That we would have impact not just on BN, but on the entire county and beyond.
·      That we would plant churches, ministries and send others out.
·      That we would start a movement…
o   McLean County: 175,000 people
o   Less than 20% of our county goes to church
o   That means 8 of every 10 people you meet/know need Jesus
·      We can’t stay here
·      “For every problem in the NATURAL, there’s a battle in the SPIRITUAL.”

1 Kings 18:36-40 – Elijah wins the battle
·      With the help of the Lord, Elijah accomplished something amazing.
·      With the help of the Lord, we’ve done something amazing
·      We’ve planted a church despite all the reasons “why not?” stacked against us
·      We won A battle in the spirit!
·      In fact, we’ve won many battles… people coming to know Jesus… people being healed of depression… legs growing… financial miracles… baby miracles.
·      Takeaway #5 à Winning a battle is NOT the fulfillment of the promise.

What is the promise of God?
·      For Elijah, the promise of God (1Kings 18:1) was rain – not victory in a battle over the prophets.
·      For all believers, the promise of God is an abundant life – not a one-time victory over an illness or a financial crisis – it’s life to its FULLNESS!
·      For our church, the promise of God is a movement – not a planted church.
·      Takeaway #6 à Don’t get caught thinking one victory is all that God wants for you.

·      Happened the first time, about a year before we left Urbana… on a Tuesday.
·      Later I heard the Lord talk about the southwest side… my home… hotel.
·      Kept seeing the vision… expanded to floodgates opening over our services.
·      When we purchased our current building, grew and expanded and I had it again.
·      Always starts in the west of Blo-No and moves to cover more and more ground.
·      The blessing… the promise of God is much bigger than I realized.
·      For me… and I’m betting for many of you… the struggle is:
o   Being patient
o   Not getting ahead of God
o   Not trying to “make it happen”
o   Not letting doubt, frustration, and/or attack derail my focus on the promise
o   His WORDS will not fail or falter.

The promise fulfilled
·      Remember: Elijah’s promise is rain… not victory over Baal
·      Our promise is huge blessing AND a church planting movement.
·      Let’s finish the story…1 Kings 18:41-46 and see how Elijah responded
·      Wow, I just love this part!
·      Because it gives you and I a model for receiving the promise(s):
o   Speak out the promise
o   Wait for God to respond
o   When you don’t see it, continue to speak it out & wait
o   Takeaway #7 -- When someone else sees it, ACT on the promise
o   When the floodgates finally open, RUN with God’s power

So where are you at today…
·      Are you in a darker place… waiting on God’s promises to be spoken over your life?
·      Are you struggling in disbelief… through battles & struggles?
·      Or are you waiting… impatiently… for God to open the floodgates?

Because I believe we are in a time where we need to go to battle…
·      Show yourself to the enemy
·      Speak out God’s promises (personal & corporate)

·      And respond in faith