Tuesday, May 30, 2017

May 28, 2017 - "Google or God?" - Memorial Day Weekend

SERIES – Google or God?
THEME – Poor/Rich
TEXT – Proverbs 13:7 & 2 Peter 1

In 1881 Mark Twain first published the story “The Prince and the Pauper”
This treasured historical satire, played out in two very different socioeconomic worlds of 16th-century England, & centers around the lives of two boys born in London on the same day:
·      Edward, Prince of Wales
·      and Tom Canty, a street beggar.

During a chance encounter, the two realize they look identical and, decide to exchange clothes and roles--a situation that briefly, but drastically, alters the lives of both youngsters. The Prince, dressed in rags, wanders about the city's boisterous neighborhoods among the lower classes and endures a series of hardships; meanwhile, poor Tom, now living with the royals, is constantly filled with the dread of being discovered for who and what he really is.

This story has been told many other times over…
·      “Trading Places” with Dan Ankroyd and Eddie Murphy from my childhood
·      Barbie movies for my daughters – Princess & Pauper – Popstar & Pauper

Why is it so interesting? Why so clever?
What does Twain’s story grab hold of deep in our core that keeps our attention?

·      Is it because we want to know what it’d be like to live rich if we consider ourselves poor…
·      But we live in the richest country in the world monetarily… Do we want to know what it’s like to live poor if we are ourselves rich?

Both of those things seem way too surface level.

It begins to tug at some things that are rooted deep within us
·      How do you feel about those who are poor (er than you)?
·      How do you feel about those who are rich (er than you)?
·      What do you think is God’s role in those with wealth and those without it?

I think Twain’s story actually grabs some Wisdom that is still true today – a truth for all of us:
Poor and Rich have never been about your bank account, but about your heart.

In fact, Solomon… dubbed the “wisest man who ever lived” actually says:
  • Proverbs 13:7 One pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth.
  • The wisdom of the world says this is about money… the Proverbs see it differently.

Let’s pray…
Google now processes over 40,000 search queries every second on average, which translates to over 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion, searches per year worldwide. Our culture is searching desperately for wisdom!

We are in the middle of teaching series called “Google or God?”
We’ve been talking about the fact that God has revealed incredible truths in His Word for living wisely in many areas of our lives.  His wisdom nurtures an incredible life that we can’t possibly imagine.  We can access His wisdom OR run to Google for the answers.

God’s wisdom is not just answers... Rather God’s wisdom comes from understanding that we are His Children first. When we know this, we can search the wisdom of God through the power of the Spirit and live from a different place. We can, through an intimate relationship with Father, begin to understand how God sees things.

Twains Prince/Pauper story is intriguing because it taps into that wisdom a little.

Google… our community… our culture will tell you over & over again that…
·      Climbing the ladder
·      Having the right education or experience
·      Getting a better paycheck
·      Living in the right neighborhood
·      All will lead you to a position of wealth.

I think that Twain must’ve spent some time reading Solomon’s proverbs though. He understood that what’s on the outside may not have anything to do with the person’s financial standing.

Solomon said things like…
·      16:19 “It is better to be of a lowly spirit with the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud.
·      28:6 “Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways.

Rich and poor have always been about a mentality… and not about finances. Many times in my life I have seen so many of my family and friends always looking for…
·      The next great purchase
·      The better job
·      The greener grass on the other side of the fence
·      Share a personal/family STORY here.

Where have YOU been searching for your wisdom in the area of wealth?
Google will give you a financial plan, but the wisdom of the Word will lead you toward your heart.

Poor and Rich have never been about your bank account, but about your heart.

You can have the mentality of a poor person and have millions in your bank (scrooge).
You can have the mentality of a rich person and have nothing in your bank (mother T).

Paul tells us that we are to have the “mind of Christ.”

Bill Johnson says that “I cannot afford to have one thought in my mind that isn’t His.”

What was Jesus’ mindset?

He was willing to leave the “wealth of heaven” for the “poverty of the earth…

Did Jesus suddenly have no money when he came to earth? Did Jesus suddenly not have access to the wealth of heaven? This has been misread many times.

NO in His appearance and condition He may have appeared to have nothing, but in His mindset, He remained a Prince in Pauper’s clothing… choosing to bless those “poor” in the eyes of the world with the wealth of resources from Heaven. Jesus’ heart was always RICH!

When we receive our new identity in Christ, not only do we get a new name & purpose, but we are to leave our earthly father’s house – his way of thinking exchanged for God’s way – his heart towards rich/poor not our earthly upbringing.

We are carrying the DNA of the blessings of faith. Abraham’s DNA. The church’s DNA. The DNA of Jesus himself. There is so much more we have access to than we realize.

2 Peter 1
3 His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, 4 by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.

Graham Cook says it this way, “You stand in a puddle, when I would give you the ocean.”

Wealth mentality isn’t about money or idolatry, but about our freedom.

We discover this through an intimate relationship with Father God… and through nothing else. A mentality of “wealth” …a mentality of living rich or poor comes from knowing who we belong to …what family I am a party of.

Poor and Rich have never been about your bank account, but about your heart.

Our circumstances suddenly transform as we begin to BELIEVE Differently about them.
·      What is your mentality towards life?
·      Do you think like a prince/princess or a pauper?
·      What do you believe about God’s role in this?
o   GOOGLE search “does God make me poor?”
o   There is a lot of garbage out there
o   God did NOT make you poor…
·      When God changes your heart… and you begin to believe differently… your whole heart posture towards wealth begins to shift.

In the book “Culture of Honor” by Danny Silk, they tackle this very topic. Explain chart.

Middle Class
One-of-a-kind objects, legacy, pedigree
To be spent
To be managed
To be invested
Enough? Quantity
Like it? Quality
Served how? Presentation
Present is most important
Future is most important
Tradition/history is the most important
Fate. Can’t change much.
Choice. Can change the future with good choices
Generosity. Can and should change the environment and society around them.
Local setting
National setting
International view
Survival, relationships, entertainment
Work, achievement(s)
Financial, political, social connections

You may think this is silly, but the way we think about food says a lot about our heart posture toward being rich or poor. EXPOUND

Destiny further points this out through…
               Hard Work?
               Blessed to be a blessing?
               Leif Hetland’s – 3 Chairs

Think about worldview – as church goers what is your view of God’s movement on earth and our role in it?
               My church?
               My nation?
               God’s kingdom?

Poor and Rich have never been about your bank account, but about your heart.

Proverbs opens us up to the reality that even money cannot change your heart.

Proverbs 13:7
One pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth.

               A rich heart is a genuine heart – never given out of task, compulsion or obligation but out of love & freedom.
               A rich heart is a generous heart – existing to be a blessing, a benefit and a benefactor to those who have less than we do.
               A rich heart is a giving heart – not striving to go where one can’t, not out of false humility, not trying to be something they aren’t… but living open-handed with all possessions, talents, influence, and time.
               What are you pretending to be today?
               Are you living from your heart transformed? A heart molded and shaped by the Spirit… a heart strengthened by a relationship with father God.

As we close, I want to pray over you that your heart would be rich… that no matter where your life is at financially that you would have the “mind of Christ.” One so renewed with the knowledge of how the Father sees you and has made you, that you would want to live open-handed with every blessing you receive…
               With the grace that He’s given you to change your heart.
               With the talents that He’s given you to change your world.
               And with the resources that He’s given you to benefit those less fortunate.
               In Jesus’ name… Amen!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Mother's Day 2017

Sunday my wife Corrie shared with us some great thoughts on living in (and out) the Father's love. Here are her notes.


Welcome and shout out to moms

Did you ever have someone believe in you more than you could believe in yourself? Did you ever have some one that could look past all your “stuff” and see you, the real you?  I did! It was my mom.  She could always see the best in me even when I couldn’t, she could always call me to higher things when I couldn’t see past the task in front of me, she knew my potential, she KNEW me.  She believed in me and she believed in all of me … the past me, the present me and the future me.  However, she knew that no matter how much she loved me and no matter how much she saw my potential, she knew that changing me was not within her power.  She had on “MOM GOGGLES”

As a mom, I want to choose to see my kids as good and it doesn’t matter how bad they are, I want to choose to see their potential. I want to see their value! I believe in what they can be. I have hope for their future! Does this mean I do this perfectly? No, not at all, I have days where I struggle and I don’t love the way I should or do things the right way…BUT this does not mean I fail as a mom, because my kids KNOW I love them and they know I would do anything for them.

So let me tell you a story about how I had to love two of my kids…
A little over 3 weeks ago (when we had all that rain) we were having a family movie day, but I had to step out of the family room to take a phone call.  I was out of the room for maybe 2 minutes…but with 5 kids (who were all in there watching a movie) I get that anything can happen at any given time.  As I walked back in the room Ethne our oldest daughter grabbed my hand and pulled me over to wall and said uh mom…I think the twins made a mess.  And man, she wasn’t kidding from the mud room wall all the way to my built-in bookshelves there was black pen, and there wasn’t just black pen on one of my family room walls, but 2, there was black pen on my mud room walls, and a wall in the kitchen and to this day I continue to find black pen on my walls. 

How do you think I responded in this moment? I would love to tell you it was with patience, grace and speaking in hushed calm tones, but that was not the case.  I was mad, so what else does a mad mom do… I went and grabbed a wet paper towel and had them start cleaning their mess. Don’t worry I didn’t make it do it for long, because let’s be honest we are going to have to repaint, yes it was that bad.  (I mean look at these sweet little faces during their agony of trying to clean up their mess on my walls) You see in that moment I expected my twins to know what they did was wrong, I mean how dare they color on my walls, right? However, just because they made a mistake in a moment doesn’t mean I stop loving them or seeing how valuable they are in our family. 

You see the way Mothers love and believe in their children is a wonderful example of how God loves and sees us. This is what HE is like and we are HIS kids…He sees us in our mistakes and still says…I am proud of you, I see your potential, I see know your value, I knows your future AND I love you and because you are my favorite I made the ultimate sacrifice for you….



Ok, Corrie I am not a mom, well that’s ok because this isn’t just a “mom” thing or a parent thing, it’s a people of the presence thing. You see it’s our heart posture towards our Father.

Today, we want to begin to understand both how God (the perfect parent) sees us & how that love affects our relationships with others.

Ephesians 3:14-21New Living Translation (NLT)

14. When I think of the wisdom and scope of God’s plan, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father. 15 the creator of everything in heaven and on earth. 16 I pray that from his glorious unlimited resources he will give you mighty inner strength through his Holy Spirit. 17 And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in him. May your roots go down deep in the soil of God’s marvelous love. 18 And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is. 19 May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand it. Then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

To be people of the presence we need:

1) a relationship with the author of love
·      When we know our parents/moms/God, our love for them grows because we stay connected to them.
·      Can’t be learned apart from relationship. (Back to the twins, even though I was upset they never doubted my love for them because I have cultivated a relationship with them as their mom.)

2) a revelation of what that love means
·      Just like in the video earlier…the dad takes a moment to build the mom up after realizing how important she is and all she does. See this is also true of our Heavenly Father…we can’t live without him, he is vital to life and we need him, every part of him. Being able to experience the Fathers love is a vital thing to our spiritual growth. Hearing him say I love you, I am proud of you and no matter what you have done it doesn’t change how I feel about you. 
·      When I realized that no matter how much I screwed up as an adolescent my parents still loved me and never gave up on me.  They prayed…ok they prayed a lot… for the Fathers love to be revealed to me in new ways, in tangible ways.  But most importantly they had faith that my journey with the Father was not over, even though I might have taken the long way around.

Jesus in us broadens our capacity to see the world through the eyes of faith. “Seeing” people through eyes of faith gives us the ability to believe in every person we encounter.  This heart connection is only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit.

20 Now glory be to God! By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.  21 May he be given glory in the church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever through endless ages. Amen.
We cannot love like the Father without Him accomplishing something amazing in our lives
1. The family of God includes all who have believed in him in the past, all who believe in the present and all who believe in the future (vs 14, 15)
            - We are all family because we have the same Father and he is the source of all             creation…He promises his love and power to his family, the church
            - Because of God the family includes all who believed in the past, the present     and the future, we can believe in every person we encounter

2. God’s love is total. It reaches every corner of our experience… (vs 17-18)
            - It is wide – it covers the extent of our own experience
            - God’s love is long – it continues the length of our lives
            - It is high – it rises to the heights of our celebration and elation
            - His love is deep – it reaches to the depths of discouragement, despair, failures             and disappointments
No matter how hard I tried to run away from my faith and cause heartache to my family, my parents continued to press into the Fathers love on my behalf because they saw past my failures in the natural so that the Father could accomplish more in my life through the supernatural.  Was it hard for them, absolutely, but as a parent isn’t it worth it to press in for our children when they can’t because we know what lies on the other side. And if you’re not a parent, do you have close friend or loved one you can press in for? ...Heart posture…
                                                          Where do we go from here?

 The “fullness” is fully expressed only in Christ (vs 19)
            - We have all the fullness of God available to us and Paul’s prayer for the             Ephesians is also for you and me. We can ask the Holy Spirit to fill every aspect      of your life to the fullest.
·      Have you ever seen a damn being released because the river on the side is getting so high it needs to go somewhere and its overflowing? That is what the Father wants us to experience. He wants His fullness overflowing in our lives that the damn needs to be released.
·      God wants us to overflow/be FULL of his love… its possible… not necessarily something out of reach or unattainable but something the Father wants to do… He wants to give you his love to start seeing people the way a mother/parent sees her/their children 

We need to reflect on the nature of God…What is that Father wants to be to you or how does he want to use you in this season of your life? What upgrades does the Father have for you?
·      What would it look like if our love was upgraded to what the Father wanted to do through us vs. what we are trying to accomplish on our own.
·      Our upgrade can be from “MOM GOGGLES” to “Holy Spirit Goggles”