Friday, October 21, 2016

Trusting the Holy Spirit - October 16, 2016

Last Sunday was a powerful day. Here are my notes and here is a LINK to a Facebook live video of the day.

How do I learn to trust Holy Spirit?
Story of birth of twins
·      Nearly 3 years ago, my wife walked into our staff meeting at Urbana to tell me that not-only was she pregnant with our 4th child, but with our 5th as well.
·      Joy in the hearing
·      Anticipation in the coming months.
·      Victory even over the C-section à tell story of the 30 year nurse never seeing natural.
·      Joy snatched as Merry had to go to NiCu

o   Sleepless nights
o   One 4-pounder at home
o   Not even being able to see your newborn child every day.
o   Surreal… stressful… weary and weepy

Isn’t that what life is like?
So many things come to tear away at our hearts in tough times…
  • There can be a lot of troubling circumstances in our lives from our finances, our health and our relationships (just to name a few!)  
  • We can begin to doubt is God really good?
  • Does he care? Does he have time for me? Does he even see my tough situations?
  • Should I try to do life on my own?
  • Most of the world wonders: “Why do bad things happen to seemingly good people?”

It’s time for us to change the question…

Why do bad things happen vs. how do I trust you when they do?
·      Let’s pray.

Tell story of Paul...

Acts 9
1.     When he first meets Jesus he is blinded. (9:8-9)
2.     The first person God sends to Paul, does NOT want to help him. (9:13-14)
3.     The first crowd of believers he taught did NOT trust his words. (9:21)
4.     The first crowd of Jews that heard him wanted to KILL him. (9:23-24)
5.     The first city he taught in he had to do a JAMES BOND to get out alive. (9:25)
6.     The first time he met the disciples they were AFRAID of him. (9:26)
7.     The first time he preached in Jerusalem they tried to KILL him. (9:29)

Why did bad things happen to this guy who changed his entire life to follow the Lord?

What would it have looked like if he didn’t trust the Holy Spirit?
When we don’t trust the Holy Spirit when the tough times of life happen it produces the fruit of the world/the fruit of the enemy?
   ·      Anxiety
   ·      Depression
   ·      Anger
   ·      Fear
   ·      Have you had this happen to you?
   ·      Maybe some of you feel this way now

It produces the fruit of our own strength (flesh)… don’t get confused by this - not a list of do's and don'ts
   ·      Galatians 5:19-21 Paul is building a structure here.
   ·      Puts the focus on us feeling good (immorality, impurity, sensuality) – complaining, addiction, pornography, shopping…
   ·      Takes the focus off Father, God (idolatry, sorcery) – skipping church/groups
   ·      It destroys our interactions with others (enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, rivalry, dissension, division, envy). – foundation is off God and now on our comfort
   ·      It causes us to bring others with us (drunkenness, orgies and the like). – might as well party… seems that is all that will matter.

How do we begin to let relationship with HS produce fruit and not failure & fear in our lives?
   ·      Prayer – daily conversation with our friend… allowing our trust in him to develop through long-standing interaction… not just in crisis
   ·      Scripture – regularly letting the Holy Spirit speak back into our lives… not just trusting to our own wisdom, but letting His wisdom speak loudly to our situations both in the good times and the bad.
   ·      Trusted resources – surrounding ourselves with people along the same pursuits… mentors, pastors, true followers of Jesus… recommended books, teachers and podcasts from the church.
   ·      Small groups – most of us want to pull away from community during the “tough stuff” and that leads to asking the wrong questions, pursuing our own desires, and relying on our own thoughts/strength instead of the strength of the body of Jesus.
   THis friendship should become your favorite relationship ever! It makes all other relationships better, richer and fuller.

Look what it can do!

Galatians 5
“16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. 17 For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.
And Paul continues…
“22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.
Again Paul is building a structure.. not a list of "do's"
   ·      First is produced God’s character (love, joy, peace, patience)
   ·      Then our actions with others (patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness)
   ·      Then, God’s Spirit finally is able to produce self-control in our own lives.
   ·      WE tend to work backwards!

KEY: When we change our focus… our life actually changes.
·      From the trials/troubles to trust in the Holy Spirit
·      From what’s been done to us to what God wants to do through us.
·      From the attack of the enemy to the victory that we have in Jesus (gospel here).
You will NOT gratify your flesh (vs 16)
You have crucified it (vs 24)

Paul stayed true to trusting in Holy Spirit in spite of all of his trials in Acts 9. Listen to how the chapter wraps up in verse 31:
“31 So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was being built up. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it multiplied.”

Both his life and those around him were affected… (atmospheric change)
One man trusting the Holy Spirit changed all kinds of lives!

Imagine if we’d shift our question
  ·      Remove these from our speech:
o   Why do bad things happen to good people?
o   Why is this happening to me?
  ·      Add these instead:
o   how can I trust you HS in my trials?
o   How do you want to turn morning to dancing?
o   How do you want to show your victory?
o   How do you want to change the atmosphere of my situation? My city? through me!
o   How can I better hear your voice during this time? (solitude, group, church, etc.)

Acts 20:7-12
Paul shifted his focus so much during his life to trusting Holy Spirit… that even when a young man fell out of a window and died during his sermon… he remained calm… trusted the Holy Spirit… and raised the young man from the dead (same Spirit that raised Jesus – Romans 8).

FINISH STORY: Corrie and I with Merry’s situation
   ·      What we read in the NiCU
   ·      How we interacted with others there
   ·      Our prayers
   ·      The health of the little boy in the bed next to Merry

Today many are facing “tough” circumstances.
  Ø  release of joy
  Ø  trust in the Spirit
  Ø  who you are – what is your destiny – a tree’s destiny is fruit

Thursday, October 06, 2016

Holy Spirit Night - October 2, 2016

This past weekend, we had a 2 hour worship night that was super powerful. These notes are pretty incomplete, but here's the basic outline of the 2 parts of the evening.

Part 1
1 Corinthians 14:1-5
Pursue Love
The desire for “air” – spiritual gifts tell story of being choked in a wrestling match
  1)     Builds up and encourages the person
  2)     Builds up and encourages the church

Part 2
Understanding 1 Corinthians 12
**Share my journey towards "gifts" understanding
**this is the msost complete teaching in the NT
**Jesus didn't always talk about them - He showed us how to use them.
**Romans 8 - we have the same Spirit at Jesus
**12:4-6 are the outline for the chapter

Varieties of Gifts v 4 + 7-11
  ·       For all the people – given freely by the hand of the Spirit himself
  ·       Given when you need it – operating as Jesus did
  ·       Vs 7 – profitable for you to use your God-given gifts
o   Utterance of wisdom
o   Utterance of knowledge
o   Faith
o   Healing
o   Miracles
o   Prophecy
o   Discerning spirits
o   Tongues
o   Interpretation
  ·       Vs 11 – word implies a habitual and repeated will of the Spirit to his people

Varieties of Service v 5 + 12-26
  ·       One of the most misunderstood passages of scripture
  ·       Some who don’t believe in HS gifts actually still love this passage!
  ·       The outline points to “service” – v5 à service under the power of HS
  ·       V12  - baptized in the Holy Spirit (putty’s sermon)
  ·       Read the familiar text (12-26)
o   Now recognize that He’s talking about serving using the gifts of the HS that we have received
o   Honor those weird ones that many struggle with
o   The body doesn’t function properly (church don’t work) without all gifts in play

Varieties of Activities – v6 + 27-31
  ·       Third part links to the third section of the chapter
  ·       Activities, workings, offices à HS has given gifts, empowered our services, PLUS He now empowers certain people to work in an area
  ·       Grace to all, “gracelets” to serve, then offices to empower others!
      **The questions are not an excuse to say "not my gift"

  ·       Ephesians 4:11-16